Yo-Yo Ma Lip Synched At Obama Bash?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by ralphrepo, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    With all the criticisms about faking music events, I'm surprised that someone of Ma and Perlman's professionalism would allow for a recorded session to be used in a "live" performance. :stickpoke:

    In a rush? For a quick synopsis, just read the red highlighted lines.
    #1 ralphrepo, Jan 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2009
  2. As it was a grand event, mistakes could not be made and i believe in this case it was necessary for the dubbing... if a mistake was made it would affect and may ruin the moment which was indeed a grand occasion...

    if it was for an event of less priority then they should be criticized....
  3. Renagade

    Renagade Member

    it's too cold for their instruments to play quility music
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    LOL... Then maybe they shouldn't be out there pretending... :p On the intellectual level, I can certainly understand the impossibility of the extreme logistics involved. However, on the emotional side of it, people hate fakes. To see a live person there pulling a bow across stings, one expects live music. To find out after that it was faked usually leaves most people with a bad taste, as if they'd been cheated; and by someone as stellar as YoYo Ma and Itzhack Perlman, no less. And note, the Marines didn't pretend, and they're not even in the same league as Ma or Perlman. Maybe they should have allowed them to play indoors (say, in the capitol rotunda with its great acoustics) and then have the live music broadcasted, with their images seem from on a large screen set off to the side. At least they won't be considered "faking" it.
    #4 ralphrepo, Jan 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2009
  5. Dan35

    Dan35 Member

    I hope this now means that it was "okay" for China to dub the little girl's singing. The Olympics was also a huge event (bigger than Obama's inauguration in my opinion). The excuse here may be the fear that the little girl will crumble under the amount of audience and pressure present in the Olympics.Don't get me wrong, Im not pro-China or anything, I just think that if it's "okay" for Americans to do something like this without stirring up a huge deal about it, then there is no reason for China to receive any criticism either.
  6. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    IMHO, the Olympics is certainly in no way bigger than a US presidential inauguration. While this particular Olympiad may have had cultural and emotional resonance for many Chinese, are you saying then that a sports venue is a bigger event then the swearing in of arguably the most powerful man on earth? In that case, you would say that the previous Athens event and the upcoming London event will be likewise? Doubtful. I suspect that your Chinese ethnicity is emotionally skewing your opinion with regards to this Olympics specifically.

    I'm Chinese, but I feel that both instances of deceit were wrong; China's was doubly wrong because it was faked twice (not only lipsynched, it wasn't even the same girl at all, at least the US gave us the real Ma & Perlman). But the idea that if one nation does something objectionable is to give a moral carte blanche for another to do the same (what you're basically proposing)...? then I fear that the world would soon be filled with self righteous but moral and ethically bankrupt goverments. Wrong is wrong; your wrong doesn't make mine right, and vice versa. :rolleyes2:

    Sidebar: BTW if you're going tit for tat, be aware that in both cases, both performers were Chinese (both the little girl AND YoYo Ma), which may present the opinion that Chinese are fakers no matter where they are... But I won't go there. :stickpoke:
  7. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Wow .. that's something I didn't expect from Yoyo Ma .. lol I think if the weather was a problem, then perhaps they shouldn't perform at the inauguration. They can certainly play live at the luncheon or dinner or something where they would stay indoor.
  8. krazyaznboi

    krazyaznboi Well-Known Member

    thats a horrible heading about lip-syncing when there isn't any singing
    shame on the editorial paper for having a crappy headline
    and shame on the planner for faking the music
  9. lol people's ignorance is fascinating.

    There is a perfect reason for this. And Renagade got it on the dot.

    The organizers and the players themselves were afraid that the cold temperature of Washington would tamper with the music, which would definitely make it sound like shit, and it makes perfect sense to recorded pre-inauguration to offer the best and clearest sound. Only in studios will you get the near-perfect sound environment.

    Yo-Yo Ma still played, but his version wasn't put on microphone.

    And it would be stupid to just play the music without the player actually there to play. It would also be stupid NOT to have players play their music, because it's a tradition at any event to have music almost everywhere. There is music indoor (Beyonce, Kanye, Maroon 5 etc etc), so why shouldn't there be music outdoor?

    Yes yes, I know what you are all going to say: "who cares about the sound quality, there is more emotion and more intent if he actually played in person". Oh, so when he played in studio, he wasn't full of intent, and emotional? And when he actually played at Washington which wasn't put on microphone, he wasn't playing for real?

    The whole point is to have the clearest sound, because they aren't sure how the cold will affect the sound (which it does tremendously).

    Personally, I would rather have quality music than shit ruined by uncontrollable variables.
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I'm not disagreeing with you. But therein lies the rub. You personally, prefer substance over form; others may prefer form over substance. It's those others who are going to feel like they were cheated. For them, they want to see the real guy really playing, even if he may have sounded like shit.

    That said, while the musicians had to perform at the inauguration; there was nothing that mandated that they had to perform outside in the cold (which was what made for the technical nightmare). Heck, they could have even built them a temporary sheltered and heated glass dome if they had so wanted. Again, I personally feel that the quality of the music did not need to suffer at all. The prerecorded tracks were but one way to accomplishing that. Playing in a protected environ would have been another.

    Don't look now, but here's Yoyo Ma himself... no kidding... really... LOL... (click on the band)... :band: