Wong Jing Criticizes 2012 Miss Hong Kong Contestants

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    Pictured above, from left to right: Carat Cheung, Roxanne Tong, and Cynthia Tsang.

    Despite TVB’s grand plans in marketing the 40th Anniversary of the Miss Hong Kong Pageant this year, the 14 contestants have come under fire as being poor in quality. When the bikini photos of the contestants were unveiled earlier this week, Hong Kong tabloids criticized the contestants for their flat chests and flabby abdomens. Director Wong Jing (王晶) blasted TVB, “If there are no [hot] women, then do not organize the pageant!”

    Contestants’ Belly Bulges Ridiculed

    Posing in string bikinis in London, the 2012 Miss Hong Kong Pageant contestants’ bodies were swiftly criticized. Former hot favorites, small-chested Christy Chan (陳潔玲) and Roxanne Tong (湯洛雯), possessed obvious belly bulges which they tried to contain in their photographs.

    Both women apologized for their flabby abdomens. Christy Chan promised to exercise more to achieve a fitter figure. Roxanne Tong said, “I was born with natural protruding ribs. I looked the same even when I was skinner earlier!”

    Tabloids reported earlier that Roxanne Tong had a habit of carelessly placing her underwearing briefs in a London hotel lounge. Roxanne’s uncle and former Five Tigers member, Kent Tong (湯鎮業), retorted angrily, “Why would she carelessly place her underwear briefs? And this was in the public area of the hotel? That’s impossible! I have lived with members of her family!” Roxanne’s mother cleared her daughter’s name, claiming that she possessed good hygiene habits.

    Despite Christy Chan’s pure exterior, netizens claimed that she possessed a rough manner of speech, often cursing, was addicted to gambling and staying out late at night. Other netizens stated that Carat Cheung (張名雅) may be more newsworthy, implying a scandalous past!

    Ivana Wong (王舒銳) was spotted with red patches on her chest. She explained, “My skin turns sensitive even with a slight touch!” Asked why she appeared to have pimples on her face, Ivana replied, “I had a lot of stress from school examinations earlier. I have already seen a doctor.”

    Top Three Candidates

    The “Top 3″ candidates in the 2012 Miss Hong Kong Pageant thus fare were Cynthia Tsang (曾明俐), Carat Cheung, and Roxanne Tong. Cynthia and Carat have been granted direct entry to compete in the finals due to their high scores. Both women possessed busty figures when they appeared in their bikinis.

    Quality of Candidates Slip Further

    In past decades, the Miss Hong Kong Pageant was a venerable beauty competition, known for producing stunning beauties such as Cherie Chung (鍾楚紅), Maggie Cheung (張曼玉), Chingmy Yau (邱淑貞), Elizabeth Lee (李美鳳), and Michelle Reis (李嘉欣). Despite broadening its international recruitment efforts, the quality of contestants in recent years has slipped dramatically.

    In 2010, the Miss Hong Kong Pageant winner, Toby Chan (陳庭欣), was widely criticized as being an unattractive “pork chop” and undeserving of the crown. The runner-ups, Sammy Cheung (張秀文) and Lisa Chong (莊思明), were also considered to be unremarkable. Last year’s winners, Rebecca Zhu (朱晨麗), Hyman Chu (朱希敏) and Whitney Hui (許亦妮) gave fans hope that the Miss Hong Kong Pageant was still able to produce beauties with great figures.

    Wong Jing Issues Fierce Criticism of Contestants

    The marketing noise that TVB placed on the 2012 Miss Hong Kong Pageant–by incorporating fierce elimination rounds customary of western reality TV shows–extracted more blunt criticism of the candidates. After the current 14 candidates appeared in string bikinis, netizens blasted the women for their poor figures.

    One netizen wrote tauntingly, “It is indeed true that some women look better clothed than naked!”

    Regular Miss Hong Kong Pageant emcee, Nat Chan (陳百祥), said politely that the quality of this year’s contestants were high.

    Nat’s remark attracted the attention of good friend, Director Wong Jing. Known for casting gorgeous beauties in his movies, Wong Jing challenged Nat’s statement that the contestants were “high quality.” After viewing the women’s swimsuit photos taken in London, Wong Jing said that the women were flat chested as a mirror and overall terrible in quality. Wong Jing blasted TVB, “If there are no [hot] women, then do not organize the pageant!”

    Wong Jing asked, “So there will be elimination rounds in this year’s pageant? Can all of the contestants be eliminated?” Referring to the former quality of the contestants, Wong Jing remarked that the first Miss Hong Kong winner from 1973, Elaine Sung (孫泳恩), trumped in beauty over this year’s candidates!

    2012-Miss-Hong-Kong-Pageant-3.jpg 2012-Miss-Hong-Kong-Pageant-2.jpg 2012-Miss-Hong-Kong-Pageant.jpg

    Creds: Oriental Daily
  2. titi

    titi Well-Known Member

    Cynthia Tsang looks like Kate Tsui in that pic.

    and seriously...i dun see no belly bulges. i think these gals have a healthy look, not super skinny.
    or at least first three look healthy. skinny rib cage showing gals are sick looking, like third world, malnourished ppl.
  3. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Yep. Wingto isn't up there. How did i know.
  4. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    yikes....they need to workout a bit....
  5. sry but this years contestants are horrible compared to the all the past years.
  6. koogepanini

    koogepanini Well-Known Member

    If they were on a beach somewhere, I'm sure a few of these ladies would turn heads. But for a beauty pageant, I think some healthy exercising and toning is required...
  7. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    Love Wong Jing's comments ... lol ... eliminate all.
  8. onni

    onni Well-Known Member

    hahah....i like Wong Jing's comments.
  9. Ernie Scout

    Ernie Scout New Member

    hope cynthia tsang:wiggle: wins, she my dream girl!!!