what makes u mad?

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Akademik, Jan 30, 2005.

  1. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    well i dont like azn name too sound dumb
    what wrong with collecting card and playing game?
    if you said they are dumb , are you also saying reading a forum and answering the question is a hip way? Is that how you get a life too?
    #81 naruto1314, Feb 21, 2006
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2006
  2. I think he means its more childish.. to collect cartoon cards and play maple story. I have a friend who still plays maple story, hes like lvl 50+. Online games gets pretty old for me quick. Never really tried mape story but looks pretty pointless to me just shootin stuff with arrows...
  3. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    i never try it but i know it is fun
    i just like playing by myself so i stop playing mmorpg
  4. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    i remember those collections of pokemon cards

    man i hated those, my white friends were completely brain washed by those

    complete waste of money, they are willin to pay loads for a rare card

    correction a shiny piece of card, wtf ??? , get a life!!!!

    waste money sumwhere else
  5. yea but how the pokemon hype is all over... wonder what will Japan come up with next.
  6. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    why not call it an investment
    hoping you can sell it for high price
  7. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    or get severely screwed and end up wiv a load of useless paper that jus got outta craze in popularity

    hahaha or get a bunch of angry mobs chasing after u demandin money bk .......
  8. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    or hooping get angry mob begging you to sell to them

  9. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    yep that culd happen as well -fear
  10. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    scary isnt it
  11. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

  12. ministarz

    ministarz Active Member

    the thing that makes me made is when you have a lazy colleague who doesn't know the meaning of team work and won't pull their weight and leaving their work for you to follow up. You complain to the manager and the manager sticks up or makes excuses for them. That really annoys me.
  13. P0tat0

    P0tat0 Member

    when someone asks stupid questions =/
  14. You know what really make is mad... is when you done with all the shittin you gonna for the day and you flush that toilet and one chunk of shit float back up. It's like what does that chunk want?!
  15. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    hahaha a piece of crap that refuses to go, my mate had that problem, sick but it was damn funny hahahha
  16. don

    don ello

    really, really, really slow drivers
  17. not slow drivers but slow drives...
  18. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    lag from playign gmae
  19. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    woman drivers in the uk :p

    sorry and no offense to any of u, i no sum are gd drivers , but just my experience i had with 1 reversing into my car -noclue

    it was like this, my car parked on the opposite side of street and on the other side is a drive, i was waitin for my ex

    then out comes this white women, believe it or not, she's friggerin BLONDE as well

    she got in to her car in her drive and reversed out rly fast and wtf, she bloody reversed into my car

    now who in the damn hell will not look back when reversing!!!!, blind bitch <_<

    man i was pissed
    #99 小小, Mar 1, 2006
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2006
  20. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    i am not offensing women too
    but still looking at them, it just terrible