Watching downloaded movies on TV

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by kermit, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. kermit

    kermit Member

    Just wondering if anybody has got any ideas on this.. I have hooked up my mac mini to my TV and have been using my TV screen as my computer screen and watching my downloaded movies in this way.. using a wireless keyboard and mouse.

    My grandmother has recently moved in with us, she is 90. It is too complicated to teach her to use the computer :p and I'm wondering if other than burning the movies onto a disc and letting her watch it this way .. is there another way I can let her watch movies herself with the use of a normal remote control?

    I have a Sony Bravia TV and Sony Blu-Ray player which I have tried linking up but it doesn't work properly and involves lots of conversion.

    Anybody with any other ideas?
  2. slaser

    slaser Well-Known Member

    Digital Media player.
  3. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    Depending on the spec of your TV, shouldn't it have a USB port? Could just hook up an external to it.
  4. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    nBox or similar devices. Put files on USB, plug into nBox and you're good to go. It reads pictures, music, and most video formats (rmvb, good for TVB dramas too)

    Just teach her how to use the remote, and it'll be fine.
  5. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    I'm using Serviio for my Samsung ES7100 TV. Works like a charm.
  6. ao_xxx

    ao_xxx Well-Known Member

    Get a WD-TV live, put everything on an external harddrive and away you go.