Was Steven's father worth dieing???

Discussion in 'The Brink Of Law - 突圍行動' started by Blobbyy.Asn, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. Blobbyy.Asn

    Blobbyy.Asn Member

    Brink Law - Your rating so far

    Rate out of 10 what you think of this series...
    il give it a 8 = )
    #1 Blobbyy.Asn, Jan 15, 2007
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2007
  2. yayitzmonica

    yayitzmonica Well-Known Member

    i only watched 4 eps so far.....but it's pretty good ^^ i'd probably give it a 8 or 9
  3. muimui22

    muimui22 New Member

    I give it a score of 8 so far..watched ep 5. It was sad. I really didn't think his dad would jump. Caught me by surprised and also made me cry. =(
  4. it was definaly surprising because that actor (his dad) was very popular amongst the tvb fans..and also it was quite early for such a death -_-
  5. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    this series is pretty good so far, give a 8
  6. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    gambling is evil!
  7. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    can't really rate it, no real drama going on yet.

    Kate Tsui has a reallly cute personality in this.
  8. littlebaby

    littlebaby Well-Known Member


    i give it a 8! yay!
  9. sillierabbit

    sillierabbit Well-Known Member

    its actually pretty good haha i give it a 7 though. I didn't expect they dad to die so early especially since I am so use to him being there the whole time in older series. I also did not expect Kenneth's character to die.
  10. Darice

    Darice Well-Known Member

    mayb a 7 every1 in the drama keep on dieing ...
  11. joveaurora

    joveaurora Active Member

    I like this series alot so far, as far as rating can't rate it till the end since the ending ususally kill the plot. I like the songs on the series can't wait to fins the soundtrack!! :D
  12. mizappie

    mizappie Member

    i was quite surprise steven's father died..it was quite early in the series for his father to die =/
  13. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Wait, howcome everyone is rating the series (especially since the series just started, per se) whilst the topic is "Was Steven's father worth dieing?!"?

    To start off: what's so surprising about the father's death?
    I certainly believed that it was the reasonable approach during his overly stressful situation, as I even said to myself (while watching the series) "damn, I would've probably killed myself if I was him."

    I mean, c'mon, his wife moved elsewhere and "went back to hern ha" (at least that's what he believed) because she got pissed off at him for being so pathetic, his stepdaughter is telling him that he'd be better off dead and that her mom's biggest mistake was marrying him, his own son is pissed at him and thinks he's a liar, he caused all his son's co-workers to know that he owes people a shitload of money, everyone thinks he's useless and to top that off, loansharks are spying on his daughter and molesting her because he owe them money. He fucked up once and his son helps him return the owed money, but he then fucks up again, in an attempt to return the money he owes to his son. He lost everything, including the intangible (i.e. trust, love, capacity, hope, virtue of being a man etc.). He's supposed to be the "man of the house" -- yet, he had his own son return his owed money for him. His role of being a "man" has vanished. He's a nobody now.

    Next, he has a stupidass friend who had the nerve to put the newspaper containing the "horse racing numbers" in his groceries, just to please the wife when she sees it. It wasn't the father's fault that the newspaper was placed in the grocery -- he wanted to gain everyone's trust by not gambling, yet, god wasn't on his side for that paper to have slipped in. His will to move on has died at this point and everyone gawks at him with disbelief. Everyone despises him even more for something he honestly didn't do because he lost their trust by fucking up twice.

    How much agony must he be going through with all this happening? Indeed enough to get him to leap over the edge of that building onto the ground 300 stories below.

    It's hopeless.
    There's no turning back.
    It was reasonably foreseeable.
    #13 rsx, Jan 21, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2007
  14. ^ actor wise... it's a total blow to the series... the guy that plays his dad is very popular and is great actor...very hilarious,i'll admit it ... after he died i stopped watching -lol people were suprised because it was too early for such a actor of his calibre to die....but i guess this strengthens steven ma's character in this series.
  15. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    ^I gotta admit, though, after his death the series somewhat got more interesting.
  16. dragopyre

    dragopyre Well-Known Member

    they have the characters dying off already. pretty good series but looks like its going to a short one.
  17. andyseowkw

    andyseowkw Active Member

    no la.........should have been living
  18. Blobbyy.Asn

    Blobbyy.Asn Member

    lol, it is a short one. 25 episode, so this series is very fast. Thats why people doesnt want to miss any chapter. I mean, even kenneth died too!!! lol.... sheesh. This series is very unpredictable, exciting XD
  19. cyrus

    cyrus Well-Known Member

    I quite like this series......was Steve's father worth dying......well, i would say yes.....seeing he gambled his life away, he deserved it.
  20. deadman_inc

    deadman_inc Well-Known Member

    his dad was not worth dieing, i mean, steven already got the gov't lawyer job, so he's gonna get a pay raise....plus his dad is a coward, he should have at least find some work to do to pay off the debt, he didnt think about his family's feelings...
    they are one family and they are supposed to stick together...