Boring. I try continue watching the next episode, hoping the drama begins there, but its unbearable to continue.
lol .. i didn't even try ... based on the pic alone, i knew it was a boring and sad drama .. the last thing i need these days ...
cuz we arent born in those days, my old man find it interesting when i told him there's a new series about 蔡鍔, TVB decided to put up this series for the up-coming national day for China. The whole thing isn't featuring the fighting/war, mostly about the interrelationships between characters, esp b/t the "couple"
to me this is one of the better one to watch in past few month, compare to the trash that tvb put out lately this one is not too bad as all.
i had the same thought, thought its going to be boring n sad, and i always hate drama that take place in those times. but then saw my mom watching it, watched it a bit myself, didnt find any depressing part, so far its more like a comedy drama to me. if toby not the girl lead i think i would love this drama (only watched til ep4 so far)
yeah usually drama take place in those time is very depressing, hopefully this one won't involve any Japanese rapping and killing chinese people I hate those kind of drama, so far so good no Japanese yet.
^yup lol, we might have the same type of reaction 10 or 20 yrs later, its the culture that attracts them. i actually dont mind about War & Destiny, which has a similar time period, tho myolie is it
Yeah, I think it's the age thing for me because I just can't get interested in this drama. Watched a few episodes and not working for me. I guess I'll just wait until TSOL finishes.
i dislike this kind of time setting, that is between ancient and modern. however im looking forward to how kenneth ma plays out in the army
so far so good 7ep no Jap yet but stupid Jap will join the movie soon which suck real bad, this series going to be depressing once those Jap start rapping and killing chinese.
i don't like the series that played within the timeline when east and west meet so i already said no before watching
This is a really good series. The costumes are greatly and the selection of musics goes nicely with the series.
I'm watching episode 8 right now and it's been enjoyable for me. It's filled with emotion and I'll go as far as saying that it has almost brought me to tears in one or two scenes. -emb Edit: It also has of good moral teachings which I commend.
agree agree, its always nice to watch ppl stand strong n not giving up even in despair, and Damian Lau is really fitting for that role. really like that scene wif him talking on the stage after that train incident. got to admit tho when i first show the poster i thought the drama would sux, but i m enjoying it now
Yea Damian can pull off the really strong charismatic roles well just like in Drive of Life. I normally don't like dramas set in that time period but this one isn't too bad.