Anna <3 存希 <3 欣怡 <-- <3 Dylan I hope in the end 存希 + 欣怡 = together and have more babies. =) That's how all the idol drama go, happy ending. Maybe it should be something sad.............-worship
from how the 19 episodes have gone, it seems like 存希 and 欣怡 will get together. who're anna and dylan going to find? at least dylan finds his sister & anna isn't going to be totally alone. i can't believe how horrible her adoptive mom is. she used anna like a puppet.
If it goes like the novel, which I had checked the last few chapters briefly. Then they will get back together, have a baby and live happily ever after -woot2
for the ending, although I didn't care so much whether Anna got a guy or not, I was hoping that Dylan would get someone, simply because I liked his character so much! Anna has some personal issues that she's gotta work through, but Dylan deserves a hot girlfriend! I had hopes that Elaine and Dylan would hook up, but she never really got over Z. Heh.
the ending was happy which I'm grateful about but it seemed a bit rushed. maybe they shouldn't have extended the series that long. but very happy nonetheless =)