Title: The Pye Dog Released: 15 November 2007 Producer: Teddy Robin Director: Derek Kwok Writer: Derek Kwok Casts: Eason Chan Eric Tsang Gia Lin George Lam Synopsis: Eason Chan plays Dui, an orphan with a creative mind, brought up with incredible smarts for fixing and assembling things. Taken in by the thugs (Eric Tsang), he's assigned to find and kidnap the child of the hitman who tried to bump off their leader, in a revenge mission. Given little leads except for the school and name of the hitman, he's packed off to the school in disguise as a janitor, and through the course of his investigations, gets to know an unusual teacher, Miss Cheung (Gia Lin), who is more than meets the eye. Wen Jun Hui plays Lam Chi Wang, whose father (George Lam) has left the family, and whose mother committed suicide. Living with his grandma, he has taken a vow of silence, refusing to utter a word, but only hums music. We do hear him talk though, but it's through narration, as we listen in to his thoughts. Told in distinct chapters as outlined by the intertitles, you might already realise from the onset what Fate has in store for our new found friends. Dui takes it upon himself to care for Chi Wang, and is faced with the dilemma of forgoing gratitude towards a benefactor's assistance when he's down and out, for newer bonds where he's looked up to. Official Site: http://www.thepyedog.com/ Trailer: [youtube]qJoRZ2Cm-ss[/youtube]