pretty funny movie if you know the recent trend of stuff on tvb/movies/youtube. kept me laughing my ass off for the whole hour and a half
Have to agree movie was better than expected, those 3 didnt force too much jokes, of course you may have to know the recent movies or shows to get the jokes. good to see all the celebs too... go ling's boobs :wackit:
^ I thought they were fake at first ahaha When Johnson told the joke about the Geurng See was pretty funny
go ling's boobs are fake? idk probably i like when johnson was in the crime booth acting out the voices
^ They showed that in the trailer. I liked it though. It was pretty funny If only Chau Sau Na was there too
Just to attract more viewers to the movie. Just like how they did it with Beach Spike. Attract viewers, movie disappointment. But she can be there for like 5 seconds jus like most characters