i watched the movie and that it was lame. it wasn;t as grat as eveyrone expected it to be . worst part is that they use a white guy as the delivery boy. in my opinion the movie looks cheap. and the white guy looked like he was gonna kiss her but he didn't SO WHY THE FUCK WAS HIS FACE SOO CLOSE? lol u will see whata imena whne you've watched it
Absolute dross ! Was looking forward to Jet and Jackie in the same movie, the fact that it also starred some unknown american kid should have warned me that the movie was strictly for the popcorn brigade. complete waste of time (unless of course you like popcorn) .
worse Jackie Chan movie ever completely boring this is why it wasnt a good idea Comedy actor = Jackie Chan Hardcore Lame Acting = Jet Li Jet Li acting has always been lame it just cos he can fight it compensates
worst jackie chan/jet li movie ever. the choreography was above average but the jokes are just :nono:
I thought it was a alright movie Jet Li and Jackie Chan duel was pretty much the highlight of the movie
terrrible move!! wth man this is like a chinese movie why the main character is a white guy? how come we never see any american movie and put like main chinese character in it?
interesting movie with the white guy being the main lead but the movie wasnt too flash, the fighting scenes were alrite, but it was a bit boring