Taiwanese and Hong Kong Celebrity Prostitution Ring Uncovered

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    Since the reports of fresh-faced Taiwanese Celebrity Johanne Liou (刘乔安) being embroiled in a high-end prostitution scandal, it has further emerged that there exists an international prostitution ring that specializes in introducing Taiwanese female celebrities to “clients” in the United States. Investigations by American authorities are currently underway.

    The authorities reportedly has a list containing the names of 38 female celebrities, including an A-list supermodel and 18 wealthy clients, including prominent political and business figures as well as certain members of the entertainment industry.

    The expose allegedly started on October 27, when the Taiwanese authorities conducted a raid on the residences of various suspicious individuals, such as the mastermind behind the prostitution ring, Virginia Dai (戴君仪), Cindy Chung (钟宜姿), and Johanne Lau. The Taiwanese authorities uncovered not only drugs but also a notebook owned by Virginia, in which she had recorded sexual encounters in graphic detail.

    List of Individuals Involved

    Hong Kong tabloid, Next Magazine, has reportedly managed to obtain the list containing the names of the 38 “service providers” and 18 clients. It published a redacted version of the list, heavily littered with clues as to the identities of the individuals involved, and ranked the individuals according to their level of fame. Within the prostitution ring, the ladies were allegedly divided into six categories according to how famous they were, and each category charged a different price.

    The top four most famous “service providers”:

    Miss L, the most famous, who hailed from a modelling background and subsequently crossed over into films and commercials. She is known for having a positive image.
    Miss S, who also started out as a model but achieved her breakthrough due to starring in a popular idol drama. She has also starred in films.
    Miss C, who became famous for her film experience, and has since been developing an acting career in Mainland China.
    Miss Y, who started out as a model and has acted in numerous idol dramas. A relative of hers once appeared in a high society publication.
    The top four most famous female celebrities allegedly charged $258,000 USD per night.

    Among the clients, they were:

    A Hong Kong actor who made a career switch and set up a successful film production company.

    An extremely popular A-list celebrity who first started acting and subsequently developed a singing career. He has the habit of hiring someone every three days.

    A well-known Hong Kong actor who has starred in countless films

    A Hong Kong tycoon who was frequently the subject of romantic gossip with female celebrities.

    Clients’ Fetishes

    An anonymous source further disclosed the idiosyncrasies of some of the clients: gambling tycoon Mr. C loves to nibble on women’s toes and lick their anus; finance tycoon Mr. T prefers natural big breasts; finance tycoon Mr. W likes long-legged women but is a scrooge and often sleeps with the woman multiple times even though he only paid for one session; entertainment personality Mr. S likes to bite and did not stop even when the women bled.

    One of the women working for the prostitution ring revealed, “Another woman once confided about this incident where she was engaged by a tycoon in Mainland China for a few days, and flew there only to discover that she had to sleep with not just the tycoon but also all his friends and even the security guards. I also heard about a client who took methamphetamine, and had so much pent-up energy that he repeatedly slept with the woman throughout the night, nearly killing her with physical exhaustion.”

    Chiling Lin Becomes a Target of Speculation

    Virginia often mentioned Chiling Lin’s (林志玲) name to the women who worked for her, noting that Chiling owed her for her subsequent fame. It is not a surprise that Chiling became a prime target of speculation to be involved in the prostitution scandal.

    Netizens fervently discussed the possibility of Chiling’s involvement. Nevertheless, there were also netizens who believed in Chiling’s innocence, and left remarks such as, “How can it be? If she wanted money, she could easily marry someone rich!”, “This is ridiculous! Chi Ling earns millions of dollars every year. Why would she resort to doing this?” and “The media seems to be deliberately pointing a finger towards Chiling!”

    Chiling responded through her manager, who stated, “False and misleading reports, as well as reports that insinuate certain things, all constitute serious defamatory personal attacks. The false reports will be handed over to the law. Chiling will continue to harness her internal strength, continue to work hard, and stay far away from such libelous talk.”

    Chiling added, “I totally do not know who this Virginia is. Friends in the media, please stop making suggestions and reporting [on the rumors]!”

    Creds: ihktv
  2. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    USD258k / night ... is that including video like Justin Lee?
  3. KeNNy

    KeNNy Well-Known Member

    Can someone confirm who are the clients in HK?
  4. Brumby

    Brumby Well-Known Member

    Isn't this old news rehashed? It was reported last year that Johanne Liou was engaging in some questionable activities to draw in additional income.

    I don't think she commands US$250K to even appear in a movie assuming she is offered. I think the numbers are highly inflated.
  5. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    Glad they busted this. That's the main thing.
  6. KilaKilaGirl

    KilaKilaGirl Well-Known Member

    again celebrities are just high class prostitute.....
  7. many fit hk description

    brick slaves turn into sex slaves

  8. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    just waiting for those leaked videos...
  9. Remember the golden rule: " just PM shinobi for teh pics/vidz/nudez/source" (Y)
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  10. KeNNy

    KeNNy Well-Known Member

    So no one knows who those high profile HK celebrity are that were clients?