Title: Sound of Colours Released 2003 Director: Joe Ma Wai-Ho Producer: Jacky Pang Yee-Wah Based on the comic book by Jimmy Liao Cast: Tony Leung, Miriam Yeung, Chang Chen, Dong Jie, Fan Chih-Wei, Eric Kot, Lam Suet Description from LoveHkFilm.com: Box office princess Miriam Yeung is Cheung Hoi-Yeuk, a blind girl who gets a heavenly chance in love. And by heavenly, we mean the heavens literally favor her. While in an MTR station, Hoi-Yeuk is asked by an altogether too-smug fellow (Fan Chih-Wei) to borrow her walking stick. She agrees, and soon he returns with a gift for her: a flyer for a modern-day matchmaking service. The service is run by a fast-talking Hong Kong chap by the name of Ho Yuk-Ming (Tony Leung Chiu-Wai), who's being beset by unhappy customers when Hoi-Yeuk first calls. They don't connect the first time, but Hoi-Yeuk's father (Lam Suet) finds the flyer and brings her to Ming, asking that he find her a guy for Christmas. Ming agrees to help, but the road is rough. Nobody wants to meet a blind girl, even if she's incredibly sweet and is as plainly charming as Miriam Yeung. Striking out, Ming sets himself up with Hoi-Yeuk for her first "date", which creates a few subtle sparks but no all-out romance. Trailer: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a2VIOeKCt8"]YouTube - Sound of Colors Trailer 地下éµé å‘Š[/ame]
Fianlly watched this, watched this last night. another nice movie with chin wah and wai jai. what i dont get is why was the other two main characters there?? lol. two blind people fall in love. hehehes.