in Episode 25, he reveals that he's a Eunuch and has been one since he was 7...damn O_O that sucks T_T
Well, it certainly looks that way; I mean, two men in a bath, like ...together, and one's rubbing the back of the other? For the love of god man, how much more proof do we need? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck (and we all know what those Chinese ducks are, eh?) then, dammit, he's gay. LOL...
LOL. Enlarge the gayness. haha. But omg I cringed when I watch this scene. Too much gay for no good reason.
Hahaha.. I actually put 'So gay' in the title... but it was changed to 'So lame'. Who did it? LOL! I guess 'gay' is too offensive for some of you? Can't take a joke? Lots of homos in the forum I presume...
lol i thought it was gay forreal when i saw the preview but its not actually hahhaah....but sammul already looks gay enough don't need a gay scene with a gorilla like joe ma