Sergeant Tabloid Ep 11

Discussion in 'Chinese Drama Discussion' started by ralphrepo, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    ...At ~ 30:07 seconds,

    ...suddenly moved the lighter to the end of the propane hose; how many say the police should have immediately shot her? ie. " prevent an assailant from bringing imminent harm to the officer and or others..." But instead, we're treated to an asinine example of pop reverse psychology :facepalm:

    Should have been an immediate Double Tap. I know I would have... :yes:
  2. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    F this man....i gave up on this series....too F-ing cheesy...back to porn
  3. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Won't firing the gun also trigger the room to explode? I remember watching some Nick Cheung or Stephen Chow movie and the room was gassed up and they couldn't use the gun...can't remember the movie but it was a comedy.
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Yes and no. An example of what you're referring to, is typified by the training that firemen and police officers get; that when entering an enclosed area where a gas leak has been reported, not to switch on electric lights as the spark of the connection, however small, could trigger ignition of the built up or accumulated highly flammable gas, thereby causing an explosion.

    With this episode, the leaking propane (it had been previously burning) was only evident for nine seconds from the time she cut the hose to when the crazed woman suddenly moved her barbecue lighter to the end of the severed gas line. This meant that there is almost zero propane gas dispersed, and certainly not enough built up to render an explosion. As the door was opened next to the entering officers and providing an influx of fresh air, there is even less likelihood that a discharging firearm would trigger an ignition. The greatest danger or threat, was the flammable ignition device held by a mentally deranged woman, at the point source of rapidly escaping propane gas. In other words, the officers could not trigger an explosion but the woman could have, and was in fact, threatening to. IMHO, the shot would have been justified and would have been found legally sound in any court. The woman was clearly endangering the life of the officer and or others, and unless deadly force was used, there was no way of guaranteeing the prevention of her causing extreme bodily harm or death to all those in the room. They were lucky that she kept talking. In real life; would anyone in that situation be willing to take that chance? I know I wouldn't have. If that were me, she would have been dead.
  5. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    LOL, better make sure to hand the gun to you next time to save many citizen's life then :)
    Thanks for the professional explanation!