RIP - Doctor's Couldn't Save, Xu Wei Lun's Heartbeat Stops

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by kapo123, Jan 28, 2007.

  1. kapo123

    kapo123 Member

    RIP - Doctor's Couldn't Save, Xu Wei Lun's Heartbeat Stops
    January 28th, 2007

    Hsu Wei Lun's heartbeat stopped at afternoon: 17:09
    And was confirmed to have passed away at 19:37


    Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:10 pm Post subject: RIP - Doctor's Couldn't Save, Xu Wei Lun's Heartbeat Stops
    Hsu Wei Lun's heartbeat stopped at afternoon: 17:09
    And was confirmed to have passed away at 19:37

    This picture was taken 8 hours before the accident occured; WeiLun posed with her mini cooper for Apple Daily

    "Hope everyone can pray for her"
    XuWeiLun was involved in a serious car accident yesterday night, and her good friends and fans rushed to the hospital to see her. Within the entertainment circle included Rainie, Cyndi, Ariel, Joe, LeeWei, etc.


    WeiLun's best friend Rainie arrived at the hospital with a cap on and a pale face. When she heard of the news from her mother, she immediately broke into tears and called her manager to rush to the hospital. Rainie comments: "She is a great girl, hope everyone will pray for her. I hope to be there for her, and that she recovers as soon as possible and overcomes the dangerous condition."

    Rainie was with the Xu family in the hospital, and she says: "I will scold her. She promised to be a guest at my concert, playing the piano for me. She must wake up."

    Joe Cheng
    Having cooperated in "Nine Balls" and have become good friends, Joe Cheng arrived at the hospital around 5pm. He was by WeiLun's side, whispering into her ears. "You must wake up, we are waiting for you." ]


    Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:10 pm Post subject: RIP - Doctor's Couldn't Save, Xu Wei Lun's Heartbeat Stops
    Hsu Wei Lun's heartbeat stopped at afternoon: 17:09
    And was confirmed to have passed away at 19:37

    This picture was taken 8 hours before the accident occured; WeiLun posed with her mini cooper for Apple Daily

    "Hope everyone can pray for her"
    XuWeiLun was involved in a serious car accident yesterday night, and her good friends and fans rushed to the hospital to see her. Within the entertainment circle included Rainie, Cyndi, Ariel, Joe, LeeWei, etc.

    Rainie Yang

    WeiLun's best friend Rainie arrived at the hospital with a cap on and a pale face. When she heard of the news from her mother, she immediately broke into tears and called her manager to rush to the hospital. Rainie comments: "She is a great girl, hope everyone will pray for her. I hope to be there for her, and that she recovers as soon as possible and overcomes the dangerous condition."

    Rainie was with the Xu family in the hospital, and she says: "I will scold her. She promised to be a guest at my concert, playing the piano for me. She must wake up."

    Joe Cheng
    Having cooperated in "Nine Balls" and have become good friends, Joe Cheng arrived at the hospital around 5pm. He was by WeiLun's side, whispering into her ears. "You must wake up, we are waiting for you."

    Cyndi Wang

    Right after her function at 3pm, Cyndi went to the hospital from TaiPei, crying the entire time. She expresses: "My emotional state right now is very messed, very unhappy. I cannot think straight right now. I met her through our makeup stylist as we shared the same one."


    Ariel was also seen arriving at the hospital, but she did not repsond to any questions. She was seen wearing a mask with a cap, and went straight to see WeiLun.

    Exboyfriend LeeWei showed his support by visiting WeiLun and expressed: "She can hear us, she will wake up."

    Everyone is very concerned about WeiLun's condition, especially her parents. WeiLun's mom expressed as she cried: "I would give up 30 years of my life for her!"

    WeiLun's condition and accident

    -Brain severly damaged
    -Ears were bleeding
    -Pupils were enlargened, did not have any reaction to light
    -Fractured chest, internal bleeding
    -Weak breathing
    -Lost a huge amount of blood. a normal person would need 3000-4000cc of blood transferred to them, but WeiLun needed 4times the amount

    Cred: Apple Daily Taiwan & m1ss @ asianf for translating
    Xu Wei Lun gets in Accident
    1709 Heart Beat Stopped, Unable to rescue her after 2 hours

    Celebrity, Xu Wei Lun, got into an accident yesterday, and her condition did not improve at all. This afternoon 1709, her heart beat stopped, after 2 hours of rescuing, certified death at 1937.

    The doctor said, because of the water-swell in the brain, all this while, her condition did not improve. At 1709, she had a cardiac arrest. After the doctors' rescue, they could not revive her, and she's certified dead at 1937.
    Her family is handling the matters, and wil lsend her body back to Taipei tonight.

    Cred: yahoo taiwan & TVBS
  2. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    Poor her I dont actually know her well but I hope she will rest in peace.
  3. koogurl87

    koogurl87 Member

    May she R.I.P. Its quite sad and she's so young. Been hearing this over everywhere and where her ex boyfriend lee wei was denied to see her last moment...its quite a tragedy
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    eats up with deaths......lifes not fair
  5. whoaitselaine

    whoaitselaine Well-Known Member

    this is really sad =[ hope she rests in peace..
    and best wishes for her family >.<
    they must be having a hard time coping with this ><
  6. korx

    korx Well-Known Member

    Who is she anyway? Never heard of her.
  7. singlung2099

    singlung2099 Well-Known Member

    It's always sad to hear of someone so young dying seems like all we are seeing are news about ppl dying
  8. whoa i looked at the pic and thought it was cyndi wang for a sec, im not fimilar with Xu Wei Lun but r.i.p
  9. larlarlar

    larlarlar Well-Known Member

    Aww, poor girl. Never knew her, but she's pretty. Incidents like this make me fear the road.
  10. js4

    js4 Member

    0 sad, and she's so young too!
  11. puisunn

    puisunn Well-Known Member

    I really feel so so so sad for her. May god bless her soul.
  12. szetor

    szetor Well-Known Member

    ya this is sad bez of the accident..since this is so recent.. it just makes u think of the people who pas away each day.
  13. puisunn

    puisunn Well-Known Member


    Clarifications of Wei Lun accident
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3

    Clip of Xu Wei Lun's body leaving the hospital to the mortuary

    Clip of Rainie

    Video clips of other actors actresses visiting XWL

    more about XWL leaving the hospital

    talks about XWL's body taken back to Taipei

    Wei Lun Tribute
    Credit : AF

    Attached Files:

    #13 puisunn, Jan 30, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2007
  14. rainbow_angel

    rainbow_angel Member

    this is so tragic and sad, i don't know what else to say, but R.I.P. Xu Wei Lun
  15. whoaitselaine

    whoaitselaine Well-Known Member

    taiwanese actress
  16. Dokk

    Dokk Active Member

    man, this is sad... heard she idolized and wanted to collaborate with Nicholas Tze... too bad she didn't have the chance to =/
  17. tink

    tink Member

    may she RIP......sad
  18. azntru3lub

    azntru3lub Well-Known Member

    R.i.p Xwl
  19. lazycatherine

    lazycatherine Active Member

    may her soul rest in peace ! Amen
  20. sn00py

    sn00py Well-Known Member

    I hope this is not the same Tarcy Su Wei Lun (Lemon Tree) person refered here since she is from Taiwan too.