Relationship with Marriage in mind yet hep B

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by negiqboyz, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    My coworker asked me for advice and I am not sure how or what to say ...

    He's 28 y/o with chronic hep B. He didn't get hep B from unsafe sex or what not but a carrier from birth. Anyway, he feels like settling down and have a family. He just doesn't know how to tell people about his chronic health issue and doesn't want to hide the fact as well. Thus, none of his relationship lasted very long. GFs broke up once they learned of the news.

    Anyway, do ya'll think he should tell the gf early in the relationship or wait it out until it's serious and stable? I told him that if he waited to tell it later and the gf decided to leave him, wouldn't he be just as hurt?
  2. Early. Without a single doubt.

    It's not just about him. It's about the women involved too. A few reasons:

    1) If the girl is not interested, if they date for a few years and he tells her then, she would have wasted a few years if she's not interested.
    2) It is against the law not to tell her and her health is at stake. Being a positive and not telling a partner is absolutely illegal.

    I feel terrible that he is positive from birth, but unfortunately it is the right of the partner to be aware of anything that might be hazardous to their health, and make a choice early on, and accordingly.
  3. burpyierz

    burpyierz Well-Known Member

    He should tell the person before the relationship starts, as a friend telling a secret to another friend

    I also have Hepatitis B from birth, I only learned I had it when I was 26 when I tried to pass the flight attendant exam, my mom is from China and at that time no vaccine whatsoever in China and my birthplace hospital in Europe didnt check if I had it. My hepatitis B is chronic but sleeping, so nothing to do, just hospital check every year and also I have a good lifestyle, I don't drink, smoke etc.

    I told my actual girlfriend that I have Hepatitis B soon after I met her, she was very sad when she learned it and said we cannot start a relationship. She told me later that her dad died from it when she was a teenager. I just accepted the fact but I still chased after her, I showed I have a clean lifestyle, I take good care of my body.

    If you care about someone, you need to tell them the truth.

    Hepatitis B can be cured, there is no problem if the other person is vaccined. But that depends of your friend condition, is it chronic active ? So he has to take pills ? That is really heavy and can scare people I guess. Maybe when he tells the other person he has Hepatitis B, he should explain what illness it is, because most people think of Hepatitis C which is uncurable. Even if he has chronic active Hepatitis B, he can be cured while taking pills or never be cured but not lifethreatening, if he start taking pills, he just has to take pills until the rest of his life or until he is cured.

    There is no problem about unprotected sex and children if the other person (woman) is vaccined. But be sure to check the anti-Hepatis B level in her blood.

    I think it's 40% chance to get cured if you start the treatment and 10% chance to die from Hepatitis B.

    STEVENiSMiNE Active Member

    just make sure to get a regular checkup and booster shots if needed
    condoms can also be the way to go!
  5. ailyeric

    ailyeric Well-Known Member

    honesty is the best start of a new relationship.
  6. tom88my

    tom88my Active Member

    Hep B is not a death sentence, people can still live over 80 with good diet and exercise.. Her girlfriend just need to go to doctor to get vaccinated and she will have immunization.. All new born baby get Immunization shot for Hep B from their doctor these day..