Title: Princess D Released: 2007 Director: Sylvia Chang, Yuen Kam-Lun Cast: Daniel Wu Edison Chen Angelica Lee Anthony Wong Pat Ha Synopsis: Following the success of "Tempting Heart," Sylvia Chang is back with her new movie "Princess D." Starring Daniel Wu, Edison Chen and Angelina Lee, intertwining the virtual world and the harsh reality, "Princess D" tells us about the dreams and aspirations of three young people. When Joker (Daniel Wu) meets Ling (Angelica Lee) in a disco one night, he feels that he has found the perfect model of his dream project princess-d. Bases on the image of Ling, he plans to create a novel virtual idol on the internet. In reality, however, Ling is the opposite of the perfect image. Her father is jailed for life, her mother remains half-concious after an attack, and her brother holds no proper job but only wants to make himself known in the gang. Together with Joker's younger brother Kid (Edison Chen), the trio works hard toward their goal while problems keep running out of hand... Awards and Nominations: Best Supporting Actor Winner, Anthony Wong (Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival 2002) Trailer: [youtube]kUd6wxztaZk[/youtube]
Old I know.. hehehes. Watched this earlier on... only cos daniel wu and edison was in it. hahaha. xD hmmm... but the movie was abit different from the others as this was about gaming. Pretty cool. Abit confused towards the end though... =S