Pizza-La’s fun and crazy TV commercials

Discussion in 'The Food Section' started by Maverick, Aug 23, 2007.

  1. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Pizza-La’s fun and crazy TV commercials

    A few years ago, Japanese pizza chain and delivery service Pizza-La ピザーラ introduced the Funky Egg Pizza which had lots of egg, mayonnaise and bacon. The TV commercial (below) was funny and it was one of our favorites but seems to have disappeared from their menu. Over the years, Pizza-La has produced some great TV commercials and their latest commercials feature Japanese actress Saeko サエコ. Foreign residents of Japan will be glad to know there is an English menu on their website with instructions on how to order.
    Funky Egg commercial

    Animated dancing toppings

    Shrimp Mayo Pizza “Ebamaobingo”

    With Bob Sapp

    With Saeko
  2. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Mwoah...didn't think these commercials were funny, but the pizza with the cheese sauce dip in that last clip looks really delicious!
  3. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    o_O Funky Egg Pizza with lots of egg, mayonnaise and bacon o_O
    Japanese have really different taste compared with a standard Italian...
  4. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    holy shit the girl in the last vid had an annoying voice