one word describes this clip... "wow" and "ouch" any ideas of how his condition is after that hit? since the clip doesnt show the aftermath -_- note: join and youll get a chance to win a new 40gig ipod just for being an active poster! click here for details or visit our contest section! no purchase required
that idiot deserves it.. they were trying to make one of those ----ed up videos of a kid getting hurt... isntead he gets owned by a car.
News about the guy. He died of internal bleedings in the brain and a fractured neck. The very same video is posted on that posts "snuff" and fatalities. The post reads: Face Bashed by Car [Accident] - Jan 28 Stunt ends fatally.. 'fall_out_of_car.wmv' what a dumb way to go out -_-
you know what the ironic thing is? the only reason that guy would be recording is if they were screwing around and thought "haha lets open the door on the next kid on a bike and record it!" and he ends up getting killed... Its kinda like what goes around comes around. still tragic tho
yea that must be a pretty sucky way to die. looks like he tried to grab the kid but wasnt properly secured to the car