it might be saying the truth of being undercover... still i think it's boring... almost fall asleep in cinema when watching this
The movie wasn't really that great because there are too many movies about undercover so it gets old.
I think this movie is trying to reachout the being of undercover cops...quite sad ending...Basically theres no turning back
i liked it much less than infernal affairs, but much more than the departed like most asians, i find the departed to be a sad, sad copycat of the original... with a dialogue that is quite mind-boggling as to why there cud possibly be so many fu*ks in the script...
i quite liked this movie, i thought the ending was quite a surprise, very serious film as with most undercover triad films... they used a different approach to Infernal Affairs, more as to how the main character is confused as to which side he is in than Infernal Affairs...
When i heard it was somewhat like Infernal Affairs, i felt that this movie was going to be whatever. But i really enjoyed the character developement.
I thought it was a good movie. I believe it's true because @ the end, there was some fact popped up. Even though the ending was a little disappointed, it made the movie so real.