胡杏兒女上男下搬近黃宗澤 (Myolie Moves To Six Floors Away From Bosco) Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by love_of_tvb, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. love_of_tvb

    love_of_tvb Well-Known Member

    藝人胡杏兒最近被指搬到男友黃宗澤樓上,實行女上男下方便監察!杏兒昨日出席《樂府藏龍》開廠拜神儀式時, 坦承搬近男友:「因為屋苑外牆裝修,又嘈又烏煙瘴氣,以前去過佢屋企覺得幾光猛,咪搬過去囉!(方便見面? )唔係,成日都見到啦!(唔同居?)唔得!未係同居階段!(驚畀佢見到未化妝個樣?)唔化妝個樣喺化妝間成 日都見到啦!」記者取笑她經常跟男友住同一屋苑,她即反駁:「上次係佢搬過嚟o架!」

    Myolie Wu has recently been reported that she moved to an apartment on top of Bosco's apartment. This was so she could monitor Bosco's actions! Myolie attended a blessing ceremony for her series yesterday and admitted directly she moved closer to her boyfriend. "It's because my old residence is under construction, making it noisy and dirty. I've been to his apartment before and felt that there was a lot of sunlight, so I moved here." (So that you two can meet easily?) "No, we always see each other." (Not living together?) "No way! We're not at that stage yet!" (Are you scared that he'll see you without makeup on?) "It's easy to see me without makeup in the makeup area." Reporters laughed and said that she and Bosco always live in the same estate. She immediately stated "Last time, he moved to where I lived."

    Translated by: love_of_tvb
    Credits: The Sun

    杏兒被追問時,雙手扭着假髮織成的長辮子,明顯表現緊張,記者笑她經常做主動搬近男友,她即反駁:「唔係呀 !上次係佢搬過嚟o架!」場面搞笑。

    When Myolie was answering reporter's questions, both her hands were twisting the ponytail of her wig, appearing nervously. Reporters laughed and said she always takes the initiative to move near her boyfriend. She immediately said "Of course not! Last time, he moved to where I lived." This made the environment quite funny.

    Source: Oriental Daily

    Source: On.cc


    So, there we go! She just stated she moved near Bosco, and they are now 6 floors apart. Before, they were 6 minutes of a car ride apart. This calculates to ... they are so much closer together! That's funny how she was like they are not in the stage to live together yet. Many HK celebrities often live together even before they are married, so I'm glad Myolie and Bosco are waiting until marriage.

    I also like how Myolie responded to the news report. She didn't deny. She admitted and even stated they are not yet in the stage to live together. Usually, Bosco is the one who admits to something, and Myolie is the one to deny or say she doesn't know how to respond, or tell reporters to ask Bosco instead. But, this time, she made my day!

    Magazine Report on Myolie Moving:


    Credits: Baidu


    Credits: Wow1TV, Youtube
    #1 love_of_tvb, Jun 14, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2011
  2. Lol! "女上男下" very hard to not think "A" XD
  3. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    things are getting interestin. From 6min to 6 floors. Next thing is 6 steps away :trollface:
  4. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Next is 6 touches away.
  5. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    love_tvb time to update your sig, swap moses with MONEY!
  6. nice...... definitely to meet up easier for those mid night romps.....
  7. love_of_tvb

    love_of_tvb Well-Known Member

    I'm happy that Boscolie are making their relationship more opened, and as stated in the video, TVB would rather have him have a higher profile relationship, rather than rumors with other women, like Raymond and Ron.

    Boscolie FOREVER! ♥
  8. onni

    onni Well-Known Member

    hahah...either Bosco moves to live nearer to Myolie or Myolie move closer to where Bosco lives. now move to one place, soon to one unit, so no more either Bosco's place or Myolie's place...LOL