Mr. HK 2008: Hot favourite Michael Wilson scored a double

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by candy10013, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. candy10013

    candy10013 Well-Known Member

    Picture:Michael Tsu Wilson scored a double

    Result of Mr. Hong Kong 2008 contest:

    Mr.Hong Kong: Michael Tsu Wilson
    Matuiry Champion: Michael Tsu Wilson
    Youth Champion: Joey Law

    Picture: Michael Tsu Wilson won popularity with ladies

    All 600 female audience packed the TVB studio last night to see the birth of Mr.Hong Kong Michael Tsu Wilson who is also the winner for the "Maturity Champion". Joey Law scooped the " Youth Champion". 10 other hopeful had lost their deposit.

    Dodo Cheng, Miriam Yeung and Anna Yau hosted Mr. Hong Kong 2008 contest. It is Miriam's first time hosting Mr Hong Kong Contest. Miriam told reporter " Dodo jei said I have done Miss Hong Kong, and now I have to do Mr. Hong Kong too. I am really worried that I may lose control when I see so many handsome guys.''

    Picture: Miriam Yeung, Dodo Cheng and Anna Yau

    We had all female judges this year. When the winner was announced, group of western judges swamped up to Michael and gave him lots of kisses. Michael told reporter he won the contest, because he has a lovely smile. Joey Law was surprised when his name was announced, he thought Alan Wan would win the "Youth Champion".

    Prior to the result :

    Emme Wong wanted Dickson Wong to win as she knows him personally, and he has got a good figure. Christine Ng attended last year Mr. Hk contest and she had so much fun that she had brought with her an oxygen mask in case of emergency. She likes Joey Law because he is shy and she likes shy boy.

    Christine Ng has her oxygen

    Yumiko Cheng likes Alan Wan and Michael, she kept wanting to give them money. Mandy Lieu and Kama Law support Dickson Wong as he is cute. Miss HK Edleweiss Cheung remained cool she would not scream or shout because she has to watch her manner.

    Translator:dragon888 @
  2. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Oxygen needed just to watch a show :wtf: Damn these woman are really desperate....
  3. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol Hins was there as well ^^
    lol , is it me or does Dickson Wong, really look like a Kung Fu guy? he looks like a Action star or something