He's a good actor so far. He was also a good actor in Brink of Law but he's also a great actor in this series... Share your thoughts here
i guess kenneth ma is getting better now, cuz i didnt really like him, like compared to ron and bosco and raymond but i guess he's getting bigger roles now..... ________ OPEL SENATOR
Personally, I think that Kenneth improved a lot. I liked him and I think he has a lot of potential. I'm glad TVB is promoting him. ^.^
i thought Brink of Law was Stephen Ma, not Kenneth Ma. But anyways, he has improved a bit, but his facial expressions, esp his smile, doesnt allow him to do very serious, or emotional involving characters.
not the best looking guy or actor.. but he has his style... his character is growing on me...not as bad as i thought his character would be.
he is definitely better n improvin. i really like his acting in this series, probably b/c i like the goofiness in his character role. i already think he was pretty good in Scavenger's Paradise
i find that he's quite a good actor, but did anyone realize that he was on the first series also, but as a minor/ different character? [youtube]8VnQdFG0H4c[/youtube]
yes kenneth ma is getting better roles... i think he might have a chance being nominated at the 2oo8 Best Actor award... but i think he wont get it....
I like him better than Sammul though his character gets to display a greater variety of emotions compared to Sammul's, I don't think Sammul could pull off another role other than some boring dull guy.
kenneth is a good actor! im so glad tvb is promoting him ! even though he isnt as cutie as bosco, raymond ron etc... haha i love him being so mk in this series!
He has more screen presence in this series than Sammul, who is meant to be the link to the prequel. I think TVB wants to promote him for this year as he has more leading roles in upcoming dramas. But i think there is room for improvement for his acting, somehow i just can't see him in serious character roles.
i think he's in the four young constables that's coming up...and he should hav a more serious role in that...must wait and see. but so far his character in survivors law 2 is growing on me.
His acting is improving! It's a new type of character compared to his other characters in other series. Quite impressive!
^lol yea the theme song of this series sucks, i have to skip it everytime. but no doubt kenneth was better here compare to the series he did back then in 04 or so...
lol, I like his character! He's so funny. Glad TVB is finally promoting him and giving him HIS FIRST LEAD ROLE. lol I guess he couldn't get it until he won some awards eh. BTW, wasn't he a booty grabber in the first one? LOL the one who was all obsessed with panty hose or whatever?