章學儒 (唐文龍飾) 「電子工程師/高科技工廠廠長」。守仁次子,一如其名,儒雅而有禮,穩重又帶點拘謹。從小看盡母親的難處,立志一日,要為母親討公道,也讓視自己為災星的父親,對自己改觀,然而,由於母親從小的教導,他對一切,就是狠不下來,做不成父親心中的好兒子,在父親眼中,他永遠是平庸之輩,他明知父親力言做生意就得心狠手辣、六親不認,但他有自己的一套,他認為待人以誠,親力親為,廣立信譽,又有投資的眼光,就能成功,他很想向父親證明自己的理論,但父親從沒給他機會。然而,他那份堅持執著,知其不可為而為之的戇直性子,卻令心儀所折服,心儀早看出他對其工作從小就有天份與熱情,他不單純是買地起樓賺錢,而是親自設計,努力地讓自己建出來的房子有家的感覺,那份勤奮熱心,是任何名門第二代第三代所沒有的,他的仁慈謙虛及用情之專,更是難得,二人從此情訂一生。可惜,在在因為他的正直與厚道,使他不能接受妻子的狠辣,夫妻的齟齬最後令他感情出軌,加上家業危機、面對另一場的兄弟相殘,使他在迷失中,以逃避作為解脫,終演成一場悲劇。 i've always liked michael in tvb, but tvb never promoted him, so i'm glad he has an opportunity to lead a series FINALLY in atv.. although he does look quiet old for rain (even tho he does look younger than he is 38/39?).. but i love their love story.. and feel bad for him because he doesnt want to hurt his bro, and his family oppse of them.. but they are totalyl in love also i feel bad for him because his father hates his guts when hes the only one that is actually intellegent and hardworking
o i thought it was strange seeing him as the lead actor. I still don't think he has the naturalness of good actors. Rain does a better job than him as lead.