Love opinion...

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Aznrace7, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. Aznrace7

    Aznrace7 Member

    Well I just wanted to know what love mean to others.........a description of how they feel when they're in love for example (Think about your partner many times a day wondering what they're thinking right now what their doing, spend every waking moment trying to make them happy, etc.) yea just some examples of what people might feel like when they're in differs from people to people.......therefore I want to hear them all!! -blush2 (personally I wouldn't know because I don't think I'm in love yet)....oh yea a description of when you know you're in love will also be greatly appreciated.

    P.S remember I'm looking for your opinion so you can never be wrong

    Thank you
  2. Jamien

    Jamien Well-Known Member

    Er... Widely subjective question... That's like asking us to explain what love is. When it hits you, you'll know it. Just be open minded.
  3. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    like ppl say when u get butterflies in ur stomach
  4. AViolet07

    AViolet07 Well-Known Member

    more like a sense in both party for me ...
  5. bionca88

    bionca88 Well-Known Member

    you can't stop thinking about that person, waiting for his/her call, excited to meet.
    Like what Jamien said , you'll know it when it hits you.
  6. mingming2006

    mingming2006 Well-Known Member

    its a pretty broad subject to discuss about, bt i guess i can describe love; as sharin a special bond with a particular person.

    original link:
  7. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    IMO, what u have described sounds more like an infatuation, crush, etc than love.
    Hmm, crush - u get butterflies in ur stomach, blushing, etc and only knows about the person's good traits and none of his/her flaws. You think about the person a lot, etc

    Love - you know a lot about the person's flaws and still accept the person as what he/she is, and thinks he/she is still the best even with his/her flaws...
    You do stuff for him/her without expecting a payback, a simple 'thank you' or a happy look on his/her face is what you are hoping for...
  8. nah doesnt have to be like that with love... at the start prolly you love him eventho you maybe dont know the person 100 %..

    its hard to say.. every person got other response.. when im in love i just think alot about the one and miss her alot.. and just wanna hug her the whole time -blush
  9. mugenhonda

    mugenhonda Member

    I dont think you can some it up as everyone has a different version of it. You know you can fall in and out of love very easily and for each person you're in love with, the love wil be different. I say love is what feels right at that moment in time -smart
  10. beckham

    beckham Well-Known Member

    feel wanna kiss her when seeing her right in front of me..
    feel wana see her every mornin when i open my eyes...
    feel wanna hug her tight when she acts so cute and talk so gently to me..
    oh i love her...
  11. emawlee28

    emawlee28 Well-Known Member

    love is wen u hav strong feelings towards others wen u no u jus cant las a day wid out dem wen u miss dem 24/7 wen u no wen u lose them u`ll be crushed wen u look to eri day seeing them wen u wana las forever wid dem
  12. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    hhmm ... another what is love?
  13. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    because there is no real answer to this question and everyone knows that you cant describe its not a true sense.... like ur five senses u can describe but u cant really describe love