Lee Hyori Offers Apology To Fans

Discussion in 'Korean Entertainment' started by kapo123, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. kapo123

    kapo123 Member


    Recently, Lee Hyori posted a formal apology to her fans about her "tardy" incident that occurred on the 15th of February.

    "I apologize to all the many people and fans" she wrote on the fan portal "Hyolee Together" on February 16, 2007.

    Hyolee explained that she was late in performing because of late night filming, photo shoots, lack of sleep, lack of food, and that her costume for the performance wasn't ready in time.

    Lee Hyori wrote, "When I was getting lowered to the stage, I saw how few people there were and I wanted to cry. I try and try to do well and it seems that no one knows how I feel. I know I can't cry so I just kept it inside. Everyone waited for so long and I know that even apologizing won't mean much. To those who waited the whole time, I apologize again. And to those fans who were worried, I'm sorry for making you worry. From now on, I'll do better."

    This apology stemmed from her late performance on the 15th at the Olympic Stadium in Seoul on Mnet's music program, M-Countdown. That night she performed her new digital single "Toc Toc Toc." This particular performance was scheduled to appear in her new upcoming One Act Drama "If in Love... Like Them." Due to her late appearance, many audience members left as well as media members who wanted an interview. Those who remained encountered security blocking their exit when Hyolee's management company, Mnet Media tried to keep them there to keep the authentic feel.

    Kim Kwang Soo, a director for Mnet Media, also offered a formal apology on behalf of Lee Hyori and the company for the inconvenience that they caused at that performance.

    Source: bjunkyard
  2. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    must have bn very late to upset ppl like that
    planning wasnt prob good enuf
    or maybe there's something behind it

    (the truth is she was with me in her costume, said she want to show me something GOOD, and we got rough the whole night. Yeah baby)
  3. dragopyre

    dragopyre Well-Known Member

    Damn how long did she make the people wait? My limit would be like 30 minutes max
  4. this is in the chinese section because?<_<
  5. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol meh, this cant be that bad... There was a Snoop Dogg concert where i live and apparently he came out 30 minutes late, sang for 45 minutes and just booked it out of there
  6. t23jai

    t23jai New Member

    i blame her manager -_-
  7. jnetcube5

    jnetcube5 Well-Known Member

    hahahah thank god for moderators.
  8. fayenatic

    fayenatic Well-Known Member

    hotlinking!! -_-

    but on topic now...hyori apologizing?
    why do i keep thinking that britbrit = hyori??