Korean Culture on Girls

Discussion in 'Korean Chat' started by cadeline, Feb 15, 2008.

  1. cadeline

    cadeline Well-Known Member

    I have been watching the Bad Love series. I am just quite amused. Can someone tell me if people (in Korea) actually go to jail for committing adultery? Are Korean women very submissive to their men? I have been told that equality in sex doesn't exist. Women are to serve men. One example is like in work place, they are expected make drinks for their male colleagues. I find it hard to believe since Korea is a developed country. Can anyone clarify?
  2. developed refers to infrastructure, not culture.
  3. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    the UAE is a developed country but they still dont allow women to drive, arrest them and stone them to death if they are caught in the presence of men they don't know, and generally deny them 90% of the rights a male would have...
  4. minikong

    minikong New Member

    um. i think they only go to jail if they;re found out that they've been cheating on their husbands/wives or something. lol its like other countries, theres jst a mixture of women who are aggressive, submissive and all that. In some areas of corea they still think that women shouldnt do certain things but most areas have a sense of equality. lol usually the new noobs whom the bosses dont like usually have to make drinks for like everyone. I dont think its just to women, happens to men as well. a huge problem in corea is trying to gain respect in a workplace if you didnt graduate from the *best* university or didnt get the best education. its really unfair :/
  5. cadeline

    cadeline Well-Known Member

  6. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    then again there is north korea and south korea, one part is very developed the other not so much. i guess its the communist part where all these rules are enforced. they are heavily under rules i've heard which is why many try to leave.