Jessica Hsuan Defends Alex Fong

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    Jessica Hsuan (宣萱) has always been known for her upright and impartial personality, so it didn’t come to a surprise when the actress immediately came to Alex Fong Chung-sun’s (方中信) defense in his recent “contract scandal”.

    Alex, who has been endorsing Doxa Watches for many years, was suddenly fired from endorsing its products after an incident at a recent Doxa-sponsored event, in which Alex was said to have made “unacceptable statements”. A few days later, Alex and Doxa quickly settled their differences and reunited in a high-profile press conference, where Alex announced that he has renewed his contract with the Swiss watch company.

    The quick resolve in conflict and dramatic reunion has led to speculation that Doxa and Alex were playing up the media to promote their new products.

    Alex’s good friend Jessica Hsuan, who attended a children’s speech competition yesterday, said she believes in Alex’s character, expressing that he isn’t the kind of person to play up the media.

    “I don’t know what went on, but [Alex] is a man of character,” said Jessica. “You can’t buy him with money, and that is something I stand by as well. You can’t be friends for that many years if you don’t share the same values.”

    Jessica is a woman of her word, and would always uphold her end of the contract. However, she does have boundaries of acceptance. She shared one past incident: “I was invited to be a guest for a competition, but then I was suddenly arranged to be the competition’s judge. I was not notified beforehand of the change, nor did I know that it was possible. My manager and I were shocked. In the end, I decided to leave. It wasn’t because of money. It’s respect.”

    Creds: Oncc