Iphone vs. Blackberry

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by aipeng, Sep 21, 2010.

  1. aipeng

    aipeng Active Member

    I thought of getting one of em.
    which one would you recommend? Iphone or Blackberry? hmmm :)
    Spill yo opinions ! :D Thanks!

  2. MrCooperS

    MrCooperS Well-Known Member

    What are you going to be using it for? Casual use? Media use? Business use?
  3. Caesu

    Caesu Well-Known Member

    +Instant Emails
    +Encrypted Data = less data used
    + more secure
    +Easy to mod (housings + trackball)
    +QWERTY keyboard
    -lack of apps and games

    +pretty? lolz
    -Internal soldered battery
    - no background apps (did they change this?) sucks because i love leaving my msn and google maps on, on my BB

    Ive used the 2g iphone but switched to blackberry, i didnt find the iphone useful because im always driving and hardly have the time to play games on it and im blasting my music from my CD in the car.

    currently in the same situation dont know if i should get the new torch or switch to Andriod/IP4. BBM has been very useful in contacting friends and relatives since they all have it and the instant emails is just hard to let go haha

    edit: since the blackberry is so easy to mod, esp the 9000 i dont use cases or anything because the parts are so cheap online while iphone if you dropped it, you wouldnt be able to change the housing easily.
  4. MrCooperS

    MrCooperS Well-Known Member

    It's iPhone not Iphone.

    .The battery in the iPhone 4 is now removable and not soldered.
    .You can also 'background' apps now with multitasking since iOS 4.0.
  5. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    i guess it depends on ur needs. both are good devices though having said that the iphone 4 does suffer from the signal problem but it is brill at multimedia. the blackberry is brill for emails and work and stuff but the web browser aint great and there aren't many apps.
  6. jta

    jta Member

    iphone is way better. very user friendly and it just looks cooler =)
  7. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    Ever considered an Android phone?
  8. wahyinghung

    wahyinghung New Member

    each phones have their functions, iphone is mainly for apps and games as to blackberry for texting and email
  9. cinnamoonn

    cinnamoonn Member

    i personally dont like either a blackberry or an iphone lol. i have an x10 and i think it's a really good phone
  10. JaQJaQz

    JaQJaQz Active Member

    BB doesn't have instant emails unless you are connected to a BES. iPhone can have instant mails for Hotmail, Gmail, Exchange, etc...

    Only issue with iPhone is that you can't flag emails or sync the tasks without a third party phone. I have an iPhone for work and I have no issues with replying 200 emails a day on it.
  11. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    BB... cuz I have one :p.... Nah... Its a personal thing I guess, I like bb-ping n the QWERTY keyboard...

    Never wanted an iphone for some reason...Its more of a gadget u wanna have for a few months which u will get bored of pretty quickly...+ I dont like the touchscreen... had the X10 n the touchscreen kinda annoyed me + its not very handy when u have long nails... i just type faster with qwerty!
  12. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    People here raise some good points. (both have pros and cons which balances it out)
  13. racebannon

    racebannon Well-Known Member

    What no love for htc?
  14. android has its pros and cons, just like anything else...

    owning an android, i find that android is buggy, laggy, and the availability of apps is non-existent. The reason for this is because android needs to be cross-platform, in order to conform to way many more devices... iphone on the other hand, only needs to work for the iphone, which is why the ui is so much smoother.

    however, with that said, android does a lot of things way better than iphone, namely, TRUE multitasking... what kind of bullshit is apple playing, by freezing the state of one app, and switch to another app, and dare call it multitasking? i can fucking torrent in the background, while having my photos uploaded to photobucket, and checking mail/text at the same time... you can't do that shit with iphones

    however...... i kinda want an iphone, simply for more games... lol.... and im about to buy a blackberry tomorrow.................. [/rant]
  15. Choy.T

    Choy.T Active Member

    iPhone 4 is a better off than getting the blackberry. the amount of people that I know break their blackerrys is just ridculous! the keys fall off and the messenger just breaks!
    I would rather go with iPhone although I do agree with Dan cos the android phones are much better at multi-tasking compared to the iPhone.
  16. Choose Iphone 4. Jailbreak it and you will have lot of fun. You also have a cracked app store. Lots of stuff there. Blackberries platform is to old and not attractive. The OS is to close. And you don't have that much apps like the Iphone
  17. tvbox

    tvbox Guest

    depends on what you do with your phone, bb is more practical for me
  18. blackberry also has it's pros and cons...

    all the cons have been listed, but some pros:

    bbm <- this is huge.. it speaks for itself
    despite the possibility of flimsy keyboard, having a keyboard altogether is one step above non-keyboard android devices... i make a typo on my android ever 3 letters due to the bad calibration of the screen... having a keyboard would make typing much easier for me.......... although you can argue that i should simply get a keyboard android device like the droid lol

    but everything has its pros and cons... it all depends on your needs and requirements. just list them out, and check back on this thread to see which device suits you best
  19. hancc

    hancc Active Member

    definitely iPhone.....way cooler and no way a black berry can come close to it in terms of coolness and usability:)
  20. welcome to the club :jump: