In shambles. Final grades received, terrible situation.

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by person, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. person

    person Well-Known Member

    So, my situation isn't as bad as I made it out to be on the topic header. But it feels incredibly terrible for me.

    I haven't failed a course in years. This is the first time in a very longtime. And not so surprisingly, I failed Intro to Foods, which is very science based. For example: In order for gases to expand in muffins when baking, you need to mix baking soda and or powder with other ingredients. Baking powder + monocalcium phosphate monohydrate while dry mixed create carbone dioxide during baking, which created air pockets in the muffins... blah blah blah.
    For myself, I find it very difficult to understand and or study. I studied for the first final for days and I still only managed a low 50%. (in Canada, 50 is considered a D/pass) So I know science based courses are not a strength of mine. Granted, I didn't do badly in any other course and I'm not being required to withdrawal or anything, but this course sets me back.
    It's a prereq for majority of the courses I'm taking in the fall, and I'm already behind. I should have already graduated, but instead I'll be graduating in a few years, because I decided to change my major. Which is incredibly sad as is.

    So I ended up failing this course. I did very badly in the 2nd midterm but I kept up with the course work, getting high 70-80s in my quizzes and labs. Yet here is the policy for the course (that I did not know or understand till now) I needed a cumulative pass in midterm #1, #2 and my final. If I do not obtain a cumulative pass, they'll take the grades from only my midterms and finals and calculate the average as my final mark. Which means, that all the work that I did for my quizzes and labs are not applied.

    See, my Professor emphasized how important it was for us to pass all of our work. Especially our midterms and final. She never said that they'll only consider our midterms and finals for our marks, excluding our lab and quiz work. I've never had this sort of policy in any of my courses, so when it was briefly explained on my midterm 2 grade, I didn't understand it.
    I assumed that as long as I studied hard, did well on my quizzes and labs etc, I'd still manage to pass.
    Unfortunately that was not the case. Because here I am, with my first failed grade since my 1st year of University, and I feel like complete utter shit. I'm freaking the fuck out, cause I'm already behind as is, not just in school work, but in life in general. The class that I dreaded the most this semester, and I failed it.
    I've emailed my professor to ask if anything can be done, since that's the best I can do right now. But waiting only makes me think and freaks me out even more.
    If this policy wasn't in place, I would have managed to pass the course. The worst thing is, because I did so badly on my 2nd midterm, it was already too late for me to drop the course, as it was past the drop date. I'm so frustrated, cause all my hard work I put into the labs and quizzes are basically tossed out the door.

    I'm feeling really down, and worried cause I might not be able to take 3/5 courses I have signed up for the fall semester. It's going to push me back even more, which is not what I want at all.
  2. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    I think I'm having some troubles as to what i should study in the near future too (second thoughts as to what I should do & entering 1st year). But thought better that maybe I should create my own thread instead of stealing this thread.

    I can't speak from experience (much younger age) but I do wish the best of luck to you!
  3. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Take it easy .. it's not the end of the world.

    If you failed your first midterm, then you should have talked to the professor on how to improve your grades. You gotta figure out why and/or how you failed the first midterm. If this course is a prereq, then you gotta figure a way to study this subject even if it's not your favorite one. Attend a review session (if there is one) and study with a buddy/group.

    Most people assumed "Asians" in general are very smart in math; unfortunately, I am not one of them. I nearly failed statistics. I was lucky enough to meet a really nice gal from the class who took a lot of personal time to teach me everyday. I went from a D to a B+ not because I am smart. It's hardwork and a lot of extra help from my fellow classmates. When you're aware of your weakness, reach out for help immediately. Gotta make time to study with your classmates.

    Anyway, back to you situation. I don't think you should email your professor at this point when the final grade is already out. You should walk straight up to his/her office and tell her your story. Tell her that science is your weakness and you have tried really hard in the class; did all your homework and well on your lab/quizzes. You just freaked out during midterm. Negotiate with her .. all those time and effort not wasted .. how about a research paper on food science to pass the class or something. Usually, it's better to throw options at professor than waiting for them to tell you this and/or that. Gotta mention to him/her that you can't afford to stay behind another year due to one class setback and financially. Perhaps s/he might just give you chance to make up before summer's over or a C- .. (beats a D & F).
  4. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    ^Sorry, but sometimes that bullshit about talking to your professor on how to improve your grade doesn't work. In fact I think it rarely does. Typically you talk to them and they're like "join a study group, review lecture slides, read the book!" USELESS. Sometimes, no matter how much you study you just won't get it.
  5. person

    person Well-Known Member

    ^ That's very true. I spoke to her mid semester, cause she's also my program adviser. She talked about studying the notes, and labs etc also.

    I did relatively well on my 1st midterm, which was why I proceeded with the course. It's frustrating that all my hard work for labs and quizzes aren't considered.

    Neq, I won't have the chance to talk to her in person unless it's before Monday, cause I'm leaving for my summer job then. It was stated in the course outline, so it seems like things are not looking well on my end. I didn't know about it, cause in class she always went on about the importance to pass all 3. I didn't know it meant that she'd take the average of my midterms and finals and not include my quizzes or labs.

    I know it's not the end of the world, but it just pushes me back. I don't want to take the course again, cause I know, no matter how much I try and study, I just won't understand the stuff. She's so precise with what she wants as answers. And that's not something I can provide.
  6. I know exactly how you feel, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. The important thing is to look ahead, pick up from where you are, and go at it again.

    I'll tell you a secret. I just got my marks back for my very last course of university, and I barely passed (hopefully the marks that are currently listed are final and won't change). And you know what, I took that course 3 times. Dropped the first time, failed the second time and barely passed the third. That exact same thing happened to another unrelated course as well.

    But the key is just to put it into the past, and go at it again. Like you I didn't want to take the courses again (calc and stats), because they both just don't compute for me. Nonetheless, keep going at it. Do things you didn't do the first time, whether that means going to study groups, office hours every week, printing and memorizing exams for the past 10 years. Put this into your past and just keep going.
  7. person

    person Well-Known Member

    I dropped this class the first time around also. The best thing I can think of is just study more. I spent the most time studying for this class. It was my first final, and I spend almost 4 days straight studying it. I even had friends in my class also, who studied with me before every midterm and final. We threw questions back and forth to each other. Yeah, I could have spent more time studying the content throughout the semester, that's the best I can think of. But spending more than a couple days straight studying the course material, and I still fail it, does not give me much confidence at all.

    My emotions go up and down, so I'll feel ok at one point, accepting my grade (tomorrow is the official grade release, but sometimes they're released early. I doubt they'll change mine by tomorrow though) and the next moment, I feel like crap all over again, and just going over all the negative things in my head. Especially since I haven't gotten a reply from my professor I'm just going back and forth.
  8. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Haha ... It worked for me ...perhaps I was lucky. Whenever I approached a professor, I did all my homework about him/her.

    Anyway, if things don't work out for you, then the only option is to repeat. I don't know about your exam - multiple choice or short answer or essay. If you repeat (hope not), try to figure out what the professor want (possible test questions) and expect in students' responses on tests.

    A lot of professors don't grade their own tests but the assistants (grad students) whom use the answer key from the instructors. Double check your answers when you get your scores and go back to any questions you got wrong to figure out why. Scantron errors happened. Short answer usually expect "key terms" from lecture. You can be right on about something yet still get it wrong since you re not using the key words presented in class. Stupid .. yeah ..that's how it work.

    Lastly, I hate to say it. While you can move on and forget about it, if you're considering consulting work or joint certain competitive company, then you're bound to submit your transcript along with your application. Just like artist turns in his/her art portfolio. A bad grade will definitely affect you somewhat.