idiots chatting

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by whatdoido, Jun 9, 2006.

  1. whatdoido

    whatdoido Well-Known Member

    i was at this event the other night and some 'sociable' types come along and introduce themselves... so not being rude i chat to them.

    anyway, we got talking about something and had a difference in opinion about the venue and then this guy, started going off saying "yeah, well i'll just write bad stuff about this event on my blog cos the place and ppl are rubbish"..

    WTF?? at first i didnt quite understand what he was talking about, but now thinking about it i should have just punched him in the face... i mean why do ppl come talking to ppl if all they want is to have an argument.

    what a **** [ /rant ]

    anyone else gets this or is it just me that attracts such ****s?
  2. Airree

    Airree Well-Known Member

    Well, some people enjoy having arguments, when they win, you could say it makes them feel better in the way that they feel they have power. I come across a lot of people like this, but I learn to ignore them, there's not much I can do except argue with them, and win (hopefully).
  3. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    Yeah loads of people do this, they act all hard and that and want to have a fight with me... I mean they're so sad
  4. dave

    dave Member

    What a plank! Yeah you should have hit him! THAT would have been a good entry on his blog!

    'Behaved like a hit.'

    And I've had a couple of people be like to me. They usually go away when you say something like 'well if the people are soo terrible then why are you STILL talking to me?'