Hebe's New Hair

Discussion in 'Bull Fighting - 鬥牛,要不要' started by _Fahrenheit_, Jan 26, 2008.

  1. I got this from asianfanatics and S.H.E daybook, so all the credits goes to them:

    Ha! Ha! Ha!
    Finished filming
    I think Xiao Kai should have been announced to everyone already
    The day we finished filming, I got home at about 11+ pm
    My sisters organized a surprised celebration cocktail party
    Actually, at that time I was super tired
    Because I woke up very early in the morning and filmed for the whole day
    That is why I was weary during that warming celebration cocktail party
    I can only say that that was really "Tired combined with happiness"
    At 2 am, I completely went to sleep with my makeup on
    I slept till 1.30pm the following day
    This is the longest, least pressurized sound sleep I have had within the past half year
    Very comfortable
    I removed my makeup and took a bath when I woke up
    Without a word, I rushed out of the house and screamed
    I want to live a different kind of lifestyle
    I went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned (Doesn't really seem that surprising)
    Because once half of the year has passed, if I don't see the dentist, it would feel very unpractical and I would feel uneasy and panicky
    With teeth cleaned to let a person feel practical again
    After brushing my teeth
    I am not joking anymore
    I want a change, seriously
    I want to become bad, the kind of bad kid and shock people
    That is why I dyed my hair that had been black for over 4 years
    I obediently sat in the salon for over 2 hours
    ........I....didn't see wrongly did I???
    How come it doesn't have the bad feeling at all...
    At the celebration cocktail party, I had said that I want to become bad
    And asked everyone to wait and see
    But what has happened now.....???
    After dying my hair... I forced myself to meet my friends for lunch
    In the end, nobody had noticed that I dyed my hair
    I nearly vomited
    It doesn't matter
    Because filming has ended... I can now sleep more
    I have more time to enjoy life
    I have more time to share with you all my life and moods
    Congratulate me
    Dou Niu Yao Bu Yao celebration? Yes!

    Hebe dyed her hair brown, what do you all think?



    Hebe looks sorta weird without make-up but i still love her =DD Nice dye Hebe!
  2. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    oh wow it looks pretty but she looks wierd since when we see her she is normally in make up
  3. Yeah. I wanna get brown hair now lmao! I'm gonna get blue highlights tho =P
  4. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    really blue high lights i am thinking of cuting my hair like hebe's hair in the 怎麼辦 mv and dying my hair cherry black
  5. Ooo nice! Cherry black eh? Sounds like a nice colour Lol. So its like redish black? Show me a pic after u get the cut XDDD
  6. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    it is like looks black in the dark but when in the sun it looks red-^_^

    i would also like to the blue highlights on you:)
  7. Lol! okay, lets trade pictures lmfao! Ooo sounds like a nice colour. I wonder how my hair is gonna look like. Hmmm do you think i should stick with blue or red?
  8. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    well it kind of depends cause if you want it to look kinda like bended in then go for red but if you want it to stick out then go for the blue
  9. Hmm Lol. Hard choice. I personally like blue so Ima go for blue XDD. But usually the hair dresser guy picks it for me. =P
  10. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    then go for blue :) it should looks nice. but what kind of blue are you chosing is it like dark blue?
  11. Hmmm. Not sure it. It won't be dark tho. somewhat like a electric blue? Well my hair dresser said the colour will fade and get lighter. Since I'm bleaching like parts of my hair then apply the blue.
  12. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    really bleaching it then dying it blue

    it would be cool to do your hair like this [​IMG]

    but it would be funny to look like this [​IMG]-lol
  13. Whoaaa not bleaching my whole hair XD. Thats so J-Rocker hair XDD
  14. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    yea it was like an emo rocker hair . i thought the second picture was funny

    but would you picture your hair like this[​IMG] LOL
  15. ^ Whoa thats such crazy hair XD. I don't my hair is long enough for that. =P
  16. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    oh so is your hair like hebe's hair length. you noe wat i just notice that in hebe's hair cuts there is always like one long strip or hair in the front left hand side LOL-rotfl
  17. Lmfao! IF i tell you i'm a guy then what would you do? Lol!
  18. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    i would scream and run around the whole block screaming at the top of my lungs.LOL
  19. Gambler_Master

    Gambler_Master Active Member

    i prefer you being like that on your avatar picture =Pp -_____-"""
  20. tiffer858

    tiffer858 Well-Known Member

    ^^ i wouldn't scream i would just be like oh wow a man that could create pretty hebe pictures with butterflies and pink things .ROFL