the ps3 either over heats or contain too much dust and basically its a malfunction .. and worst case senario is that the motherboard is melted or cracked .. so either have to fix it by sony, buy new one or fix it my slef .. and theres loads of data on the thing and dont wanna send for new one ... :(
tough luck eh by the way, what year is your PS3 made in? i heard that a specific batch of PS3 is more likely to get the YLOD.
DYI.. You can fix it.. there's videos tutorials.. I've fixed it long enough to back up all my data.. how long have you had the ps3?? I can post pics of my taken apart ps3
well im not sure but had it quite some time .. its the 40gb ps3 .. the fat one ......... dont matter ecko ...... brother said he'll buy new one ... and tbh i dont mind starting all over again on all the other games .. (start getting trophies i didnt get before xD) but only problem is that cause he plays fallout 3 .. and he'll probs be kinda pissed xD losing all his saves xD
I have a 40gb model also.. it's easy to take apart... I lost my street fighter and other game saves also, cause the damn saves are locked.. and I couldn't figure out why the data transfer utility didn't work, but then I realized what could have happened. Oh well.. just remember to back up everything from now on. bought an extended warranty just incase this time around.
back in the day our consoles were indestructible, granted things were not getting so hot but you could slam your SNES into the wall then put on SF2 turbo.
too bad you had to blow the hell outta those NES cart. for it to start up.. PS3 is pretty indestructible cept for the interior..
i didnt get a NES, my first was a mastersystem, yeah, i remember having to blow the dust out the carts almost as well as my upside down playstation and pencil trick. im pretty sure if you drop the 360 its dead
damn that sucks man but your trophies are saved to your online profile if you sync them once in a while. hopefully my 40gb dont ylod on me now. the slim looks pretty fragile though
even if it doesn't YLOD on you yet.. it's better to change up the thermal compound.. the original is complete crap.. I was shocked to see how thinned out it got n it was jus messy.. take it apart n slap some arctic silver on it. the slim is pretty good built.. doesn't feel like it gets too hot
The fat ps3 blows out a lot of hot air but the slim on the other hand doesn't nearly get as hot as the fat ps3. Even tho im pretty sure the slim would be gonna if its dropped lol.
The Slim which i have doesnt heat up quick The yellow light of Death from what i heard it basically your hard-drive malfunctioned which you can replace