Maybe for you is the gayest, but you don't have to create a forum just to say this. Keep it for you next time. Think about how much effort people put in to create a series. You should learn how to appreciate ... Well, at least know what the word respect mean. Case close
It had touching parts and a somewhat interesting plot but I couldn't quite follow it all the time and didn't like having so much narration in the ending.
yeah hate the narration at the ending too is like they rant out of money and could not film the ending. also who the hell take time cleaning house and get married while running from those soldiers. the first 12 episode are pretty manly then near the end it turn into a chick flick, too much love between old people is no fun to watch.
i felt the last few episodes were silly. (even though i fastforward alot of it from 17 to 20.) at the start of the series, it seemed boring but got great with the 'throw of the corrupted officials' from ep 5 till 15. then suddenly they throw in the elaborated plot, i thought it was going to be superb. but ended was like..'hey man, yawn.. i think we're not making a good series, instead of 30 shall we just wrap it up at 20? yawn.. i think the old people who watch this would like romance rite, ok la, we foil the planned background work of Damien lau, make the Lord take action instead, then throw some bombs, everyone die, the 2 pple LOVE, then we can wrap up!' overall i dont like how the story made kate's character, hated the music playing everytime... grreat story ruined.
My friend loves this series and I think it's alright. I am not a big fan of TVB ancient series. Certainly not the gayest, lol.
watch your back. those 2 real people in history might come haunt you cuz you didnt at least give any respect to the those 2
yup great story ruined esp romance scenes ep 19-20 whereby they manage to run away,like they hv nothing else to put in. they shud hv put even more actions into it. they just say they manage to overcome the president's evil plans with war but where's the war???
He probably just doesn't understand the Chinese being spoken. But period dramas are like that, either one gets it, or doesn't. The Republican period of China was easily one of the most interesting and tumultuous times within modern Chinese history. In the half century or so, from the fall of the Qing to the advent of the People's Republic, millions of Chinese lives were lost as various factions struggled for supremacy. The real interesting thing about this is, that there are still a few people alive today that remember those times. Absolutely great background story about that historic period.
I always loved reading about modern Chinese history, my family moved to Hong Kong just before the PLA came in though, luckily.