ever use a Ouija Boards

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by donkeyhit, Feb 24, 2006.

  1. donkeyhit

    donkeyhit Well-Known Member

    for those who dont know what a Ouija Boards is... it's a board where there are letters and numbers....

    you place ur hand on a pointer and u ask question and sometimes it will move to the direction of the letter such as "Yes" etc...

    I never tried 1 myself... i dont want it to actually move becuz if it moves... it literally mean the spirit is on ur hand literally.... lol
  2. Haneo

    Haneo Well-Known Member

    Lol, I wouldn't want to try this. Communicating with the spirits of the dead -shock
    If it does work, why would you want to contact spirits? Won't you be freaked out by it if it did?

    I read you should never try this alone, always begin and end the seance properly, always perform it in a comfortable environment. My mum believes in spirits/ghosts, me... I'm not sure. I've heard stories of people being possessed. Just cos science can't explain it, doesn't mean it doesn't exists. I'd rather be safe and stay away from these things.
  3. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    i nver try it i think it fake tho
  4. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    me too
  5. shadow Thi3f

    shadow Thi3f Well-Known Member

    I use to work at a retirement home and we tried this once during our break. If you could imagine there must be several spirits in a retirement home due to the passing of its residents. Some of the girls were into these things and drew a ouija board out on a piece of paper. I was questioning the authenticity of a hand drawn ouija board, but the cup did move. I dont know if some of the girls were guiding it. We asked several questions and recieved some incomplete answers. I wasnt frighten from that experience not that I was doubting the power of a ouija board but the answers we were getting wasnt convincing enough.
  6. festo1234

    festo1234 Member

    I simply have no gut to try this... No matter its true or not, it's just too creppy!!
  7. renegade_cash

    renegade_cash Well-Known Member

    i wanted to try just cause im stupid like that but my stupid frns were too pansy to try with me and IM too pansy to do it myself :(
  8. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    i once tried one..apparently we all passed out...then i woke up in a garbage can 5 days later...weird stuff...
  9. karnage12

    karnage12 Member

    Why is 'ouija' pronounced 'wee-jee'? It's just crazy! I mean, come on, people!
  10. kulong

    kulong Well-Known Member


    Wick it =P i won't try it since i am scare of stuff beyond this reality xD
  11. ruckusinthahouse

    ruckusinthahouse Well-Known Member

    My friends and I thought it was a joke, but it proved us wrong.
  12. nunubutt

    nunubutt Well-Known Member

    really? Explain more!
  13. kimchi_eater

    kimchi_eater Member

    didnt dare to try
  14. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

  15. 小小

    小小 (゚ー゚)(。_。)(゚ー゚)(。_。) afk

    he was joe king ... hahaha
  16. Wilhito

    Wilhito Member

    Definitely, do not try ouija alone!

    First of all, most people are not psychically "powerful" enough to channel when alone on the Ouija. The spirits are real. One of the users, if mentally powerful enough, can "make" the thing move to their will.

    I used it alone. It was very creepy. The Ouija did move on it's own. It was just with barely a tip of my finger. I will not go into detail as to what happened afterward, as it creeps me out to this day.

    To those who do not believe....

    If you do try it, have everyone lightly touch the thingy. The thingy will move in a direction and a fashion that is not consistent with a person pulling or pushing it. Also, if you get into it put a phrase in your mind. Something spooky or even outright scary. If you prove "powerful" enough it will move to your will even with other's touching it.

    This "toy" is a gateway into the unseen and a doorway into a place where neutral and evil exist. I believe they may be souls that are trapped or are transitioning to another plane of existence. Either that, my friends, this is a str8-up a gateway to some evil shit. I would not mess with it. The last time I did it, I swore I would never again. I haven't.

    Oh, and for those that are scared to try it. Logic says....that if you are scared and say that you dont believe in a higher power (ie. God), you must believe in evil. If you believe in evil, there must be a polar opposite.
  17. ahahhaah... that's pretty good -lol -clapclap
  18. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|


    u should here what happend the next time i played it...haha..
  19. eddiegor

    eddiegor Member

    I never post in here but since I saw this subject I just can't leave it untold, take this as a warning.

    I played this many times when I was very young and stupid.
    The feeling is like something moving your hand around, you dont feel hands on you, its a different feeling but you know there is someone else or something inside the room, another pressence. An unknown force and you feel the hairs stand up and your heart races too.

    I was taught by law that nobody can leave the board unless you ask the spirit nicely and the spirit agrees to let you go by moving you back to the start.
    If you don't do this and decide to suddenly break the connection, that spirit might follow you around for the rest of your life your life.

    I stopped playing one day when a spirit decided to play games with me, I asked nicely to return to the beginning but the spirit started moving me all around the place randomly then it stop at one spot.
    I was left at the very same spot waiting for to be freed for over 30 minutes, I was freaking out as I repeatedly ask to return to the starting spot and be released.
    I remembered at some stage my door bell rang and someone was at my front door, I couldn't get up to let them in and I waited there on the same spot trying not to break my connection keeping very quiet and still.
    Finally when I got a response I got lead back to start, I lift my hands off, I ran outside and I burnt that piece of paper, I prayed to god that night, I prayed that good still existed!

    I never played with this ever again. Ever!

    One other time a friend told me that he received scratches once, as though 4 finger nails were dragged down his back and he showed the scratches to me.
    Don't go near these things ever! a big price to pay for small fun.
    #19 eddiegor, Jun 6, 2006
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2006
  20. Sexygundam

    Sexygundam Well-Known Member

    I have never and never will! that kind of stuff scares me -shock