Ending Thoughts? Series Thoughts?

Discussion in 'When Lanes Merge - 情越雙白線' started by Jeff, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Seriously? I think I must have missed that one. The Ming transition to Qing was the beginning of 300 years of subjugation of the Chinese people by the Manchus. It's a period that had plenty of intriguing political causation and I wish I had time to study more of it (most of my knowledge is limited to High Qing through to the death of Mao).

    Shit, now I'm going to have to look for that series, LOL... :shifty:
  2. wilsont06

    wilsont06 Well-Known Member

    One thing that kept lingering in my mind at the end is: did Raymond's wife really sleep with Tony Kwan? I know the scene ended when she was about to kiss him, I was expecting to see a resolution in the end with her husband. She looks hot in this series, but damn, what a waste.
  3. the way she acted it did make it seem she did sleep with him
    #23 shinobi, Aug 6, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010
  4. colbne

    colbne Well-Known Member

    For me, this series started off very well and the father-son chemistry between Kent & Raymond was superb. Their arguments were realistic and they both deserve credit for fleshing out their roles well. Too much time was spent getting Beefball King to turn around and that dragged the series out and by the last third of the story, it was going downhill with the saving grace being the highway taxi chase which was hilarious! As for the main leads, Raymond was very good in his first lead role and I hope he gets more to play. Kate pouts too much and I just do not like her much. Sonija is a veteran and played the girl-next-door role well although I think she looked too old for Raymond. I give it a 6/10.
  5. dannii

    dannii Member

    I thought this series was good. Sonja's role was good and she did play it well. But there was a little too many accidents that happen to 1 family and people around you. I mean do you know anyone whose dad has an accident then has an accident and then their friends have accidents.. But they all recover, not everyone recovers... But overall was a good series to watch...
  6. moranna

    moranna Well-Known Member

    Was decent watch but not something I would watch again.

    Kent and Raymond wong are great in this, also vets are good to.

    Kate - I really wish tvb would stop giving her leads, she not in the that league, ah well.

    Sonija - She is ok in this, I find she still has problems with her lines, feels cluttered, also has problems with emotions at times to but does have chemistry with Raymond which makes her stand out.

    Kate and Raymond don't have any chemistry, why in the world they end up together is beyond me, doesn't make any sense.

    The last scene when Raymond Cho just comes out and says he forgives Elaine about sleeping with Tong, seems to rushed and blunt.

    Handicapped former cop - She looks pretty but she is pretty bad, even for a neebie, the job should have been given to one of the other new girls, at least they did a decent work.
  7. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    Finally finished watching this!

    blehh. I didn't want Turbo to choose go lai sum!!! They don't match! They have no chemistry and when did Turbo start to like ah sum anyways?!

    But yeh .. Andy coming back in the end, ??? I mean, how does he know where to find mun lui?! lol.

    The whole taxi chasing was just LOL!! And evergreen on there as a driver was funny too!

    The elevator scene was really sadd I really wanted turbo to be with her.
  8. louis87

    louis87 Well-Known Member

    at the beginning it was nice... but at the ending... its a little boring...
    these days the series are like that.. i wonder why ??? ....