Ekin Cheng and Yoyo Mung Married in Tokyo!

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    After months of speculation over their wedding plans, 44-year-old Ekin Cheng (鄭伊健) and 39-year-old Yoyo Mung (蒙嘉慧) got married in Tokyo on January 28, 2013. The couple held a simple 7-table banquet at a beautiful Tokyo castle, inviting their closest friends and family to share their joy. Yoyo choked back tears and Ekin cried emotionally as they made speeches about their love journey before the guests.

    Since Ekin Cheng announced in August 2012 that he had proposed to girlfriend of 7 years, Yoyo Mung, the couple had stated that they wished to have a low-profile celebration. Yoyo even considered holding the celebration at home, but the couple finally settled on a destination wedding in Japan, where they frequently traveled with their family. The wedding details were planned by Ekin.

    The site of the Tokyo castle was surrounded by fresh flowers and lent an elegant ambiance. French cuisine was served at the wedding. In the photos released to the press, Ekin wore a black tuxedo, while Yoyo appeared in a v-neck black sleeveless dress with her hair pulled back in a simple bun.

    Invitation to Mysterious Wedding

    One month ago, the couple suddenly sent mysterious invitations to guests, instructing them to meet for dinner in Tokyo on the specified date. Ekin’s manager, Lam San San (林珊珊), said, “Ekin’s notice said: ‘Do you have time to meet for dinner?’ About a week ago, Ekin asked: ‘Do you have time for dinner? In Tokyo?’ Understanding Ekin’s nature and the urgency in the invitation, San San immediately booked a flight and did not ask further questions.

    Since the guests were not notified that they would in fact be attending Ekin and Yoyo’s wedding, many dressed casually and did not even bring gifts. The invited guests also did not know who the other guests at the wedding would be.

    “The most emotional moment of the evening came when Ekin addressed Yoyo as, ‘My Wife’ and friends, Jerry Lamb (林曉峰) and Chan Kwong Wing (陳光榮) called Yoyo, ‘Sister-in-Law’. This is how a beautiful evening concluded,” Lam San San said.

    Friends Send Their Blessings

    Prior to meeting Yoyo, Ekin had several high-profile relationships Luisa Maria Leitão (黎芷珊), Maggie Shiu (邵美琪), and Gigi Leung (梁詠琪). Ekin and Gigi were rumored to have broken up because he did not wish to get married. After news surfaced that Ekin had gotten married in Tokyo last night, Luisa, Maggie and Gigi graciously sent their blessings to the newlyweds.

    Ekin’s wedding came as a surprise to many. However, the groom was known for his low-key personality. Arriving in Shanghai from Hong Kong last night, Jordan Chan (陳小春) was unable to attend Ekin’s Tokyo wedding celebration. Since Jordan’s wife, Cherie Ying (應采兒) is currently 3 months pregnant, Jordan laughed that Ekin should congratulate him as a father-to-be first before sending blessings to the newlyweds.

    Introducing Ekin to Yoyo at a badminton game, “matchmaker” Lai Lok Yi (黎諾懿) knew 2 months ago that the couple planned to get married in Tokyo. Due to work schedule conflicts, Lai Lok Yi regrettably could not attend the wedding.

    Ekin Announces Marriage

    On January 28, Ekin uploaded photos of a pair of bride-and-groom teddy bears and wrote, “We have entered a new chapter in life. I’m thankful! From now on, we will not be alone anymore! Thank you!”



    Creds: Oncc
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  3. gokuwongie

    gokuwongie Member

  4. KilaKilaGirl

    KilaKilaGirl Well-Known Member

    wow, im late but still congrats!!!!
  5. KFMok20

    KFMok20 Guest

    Congrat to Ekin and Yoyo for getting married in Tokyo. :yes: