Dry lips

Discussion in 'Health, Beauty, and Fashion' started by Maverick, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. masterchris07

    masterchris07 Member

    when u wash ur face in the morning wiv a flanel, use the flanel to rub off the dry skin which leaves it smooth, then apply vaseline straight away while its still kinda moist. while ur out u cud use carmex, blistex or palmers cocoa butter? n drink lots of water too :)
  2. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    it just occurs when the weather is cold and the wind blows, it tends to dehydrade the lips which is why u get dry lips in winter and not rele in the summer. just use lip balm or vaseline.
  3. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    I remembered watching one of the Chinese kids programme like "Ji net siu yun lui"
    I remembered being said that if you put a glass of water next to you on your bedside table, the water will evapourate due to your heating at home and the moisture will get onto your lips....
    Never really tried it but worth a try?
  4. monkiebutter

    monkiebutter Member

    constantly applying Burt's Bees chapstick will work very well
  5. blueheart1985

    blueheart1985 Well-Known Member

    After you brushing your teeth, brush gently your lips. It exfoiled the dried crappy lips. Than use a lipbalm or vaselin. Don't lick your lips, because that would dried you lips out. If you follow this tips you never would have dry lips. It works. I don't have dry lips for many years. TRY IT
  6. dimon

    dimon Active Member

    lip chop, for sure dun lick. i do that before, it actually makes things worst.