Not include people in VN or already learnt Vnamese from VN. How well do you write and read. What do you guy think of it ? Anyone here hate it? For me i loved Viet class every saturday it was really short n i didnt intend to learn much but now i write and read so well thank to vietnamese online forum ^_^. My vietnamese is really decent for a guy who dont live in VN. I was interest in learning Vietnamese coz of the poem.
if u want to learn Vietnamese faster, u should hang out with Viet ppl, then they can help u out, then u may have more chance to practice ur Vietnamese. hahah good luck for u guys
I want to lean more, but I'm stuck. There aren't enough people I can talk Viet with. When I have Children, Vietnamese language will stop with me. It's not over yet, if I can find a school, I'll definitely will join classes.
i came to the US when i was 7....i pretty much still know how to read and write...i'm not that good with writing, but decent. there are classes available for free....i mean i'm forced to go to a vietnaemse churhc by my parents just because they teach you an hour of vietnamese each day plus an hour of bible study, but you dont' have to attend the bible one because my friend is buddhist...went there because he wants to learn viet. so....find a viet CHURCH and ask about the class...if you're asian, say that you're vietnamese. lol they wouldn't know
there was a viet class at my school and all my teacher thought us was how to write numbers in viet till the number 1000 and basic alphabet and and that butterfly song lol , later he became a cars dealer lol
I'm not really proud of it, but I've never been very interested in learning Vietnamese. I can talk a little and understand most of the usual conversation, but I'm not fluent at all. I can read it, but will not understand a word. I did take a few lessons with a VN priest some time ago, but I didn't really like them... My parents (and most of my family) still talk in VN with me, but I'll alway answer in French. Odd isn't it ?
omg...viet skool... >.<...such bad up a kid...since he was a f***** a**hole, and the teacher didn't care...and he was readin the newspaper god...and one time we had a quiz...he left all the answers on the board...such bad experience in viet skool...
i went viet school.. i was forced to go haha but i guess im glad i went.. even thou it was as tiring as hell since after chinese skool i hadto go straight to viet skool >___< but to be honest, i dont think my viet is great at all xD i can read and write.. but it doesnt mean i actually understand what im asked to read haha
I'm looking for a vietnamese class. I feel retarded being vietnamese but not knowing how to read/write. I tried writing my mom a card for mothers day and it ended up saying something about not wanting to be with her. :/ or something haha.. ah.. so many different accent marks!
I'm from Vienna/Austria, and I'm looking for a viet school too, but I've never heard about it. Do someone know one? Or do someone know teachers, who gives private lessons? parents always wanted me to take some viet classes, but i never did xD But still, I can read and write a lil' bit ^^