Do you believe that life is pre-determined?

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by gawain187, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. badcliq

    badcliq New Member

    Some parts are pre-determined, some parts are not.

  2. wow nice post
  3. iiimj4everiii

    iiimj4everiii Well-Known Member

    if u describe life as a single timeline, then ya u can say its pre-determined. thus a universe. but there are physicists believe that we are living in a multiverse where there are infinitely many possibilities where life may end up. thus the timeline is branched off
  4. amazze

    amazze Active Member

    No easy answer to the question.....guess it can swing many ways. It all boils down to what you do will determine what action happens next. But exception do happen and as a lot of people might says....the world is round (okay oblong :))
  5. WeakNiZ

    WeakNiZ Well-Known Member

    Work Hard and end up somewhere good. Lazy and end up working in my backyard.
  6. habib718

    habib718 Active Member

    i doubt it... there would be no point in life if every thing is set in stone already
  7. MSIE

    MSIE Member

    Some do believe this kind of things.. But you won't know until you reach the Heaven. =(
  8. house14

    house14 Member

    no, nothing is fixed nowadays. The world is changing so fast that you can't even be sure what hits you when you got hit.
  9. xety89

    xety89 Member

    i do think that life is predetermined... i think life is like a song... in a song every second has a certain melody, lyrics, bass, etc. so is life in my opinion. at every certain point of life a certain action is determined..
  10. bumblejelly

    bumblejelly Member

    no, your life and fate and destiny and what you do in it is up to you.
    not predestined and stuff like that.
  11. kyunghwan

    kyunghwan New Member

    I agree with an above poster that the only way to find out with proof of whether life is predetermined or not is to replay a sequence of events in time over and over again and note if there are ever any deviations, but that isn't possible. How I see it is that your actions determine the consequences. Your choices will predetermine what happens later to an extent, but the choices you make are not predetermined (I'll admit a very vague and general answer).

    So to what extent is your life predetermined or not? To me, finding a concrete answer to your question is pointless because not only is it impossible, but I wouldn't change how I live depending on the answer. I'm still going to approach it with my best foot forward. Would you approach life differently depending on what the answer is?
  12. jazman

    jazman Well-Known Member

    Yes, I believe life is pre-determined. It is what you call fate and destiny. In another words, you are what you are.
  13. One thing to note: do not confuse Determinism with Predeterminism.

    Determinism states that our actions, behavior and decisions are a product of a prior set of experiences. So an example of Determinism is as follows

    "As a child, I practiced the piano every Saturday. Now, I have the habit of playing the piano every Saturday."

    Predeterminism (also known as Predestination) takes into account "God" as a variable in this deterministic scenario, whereas Determinism doesn't. Below is a predeterministic version of the previous example:

    "The destiny that God has laid out for me, includes playing the piano every Saturday. It is in God's wish that I play the piano every Saturday"

    I know they are corny examples, but it's important that the concepts be clarified. Since the idea of "God" is unclear, I will only discuss about the theory of determinism (NOT predeterminism).

    In philosophy, there are two concepts of determinisms that are theorized: Soft Determinism (aka Compatibilism), and Hard Determinism (Incompatibilism).

    Soft determinism states that there can be a co-existence of both determinism AND Free will. This theory states that, when faced with a decision to make, you have the will to choose an option out of many options. However the decision you take is influenced by the way you were raised. The availability of options represents free will, as you are able to choose, however the decision you take is influenced by a set of experiences, which is deterministic. Although you are influenced to choose an option, it is not necessary the case that you WILL choose that option. You could spontaneously choose an option you would not normally have chosen.

    Hard determinism states that every action you take is a result of a set of experiences. When faced with a decision, there will be only one decision for you to make, and it is decided by the set of experiences you have acquired since your birth.

    My beliefs are that of compatibilism (Soft determinism).
  14. spider-man

    spider-man Well-Known Member

    Predetermined??? I don't think so.
  15. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    No i do not think that. my life is based on coin flips.

    ^ Aha.. jk. I actually think that my life is NOT predetermined and it is NOT decided by a coin flip.
  16. Shimitsu

    Shimitsu New Member

    Rebuttals based on the word predetermined sound rather flimsy. Anything can be argued using such a word, but it really holds little meaning. I guess its more of ones personal perspective on how life is.
  17. jmnl

    jmnl Member

    life is pre-determined

    we people are behind the steering wheel
    we can turn right or turn left, but the destination will eventually be the same..
  18. z1llch

    z1llch Member

    ever heard of chaos theory? so, no.
  19. balitaevents

    balitaevents Active Member

    To OT: Determinism vs free will is an age old debate and cannot merely be one or the other. For where do you draw the line? If we smoke and are stricken with lung cancer and die, was it our fate? Or did we have a helping hand in creating our own early demise? For if one is to say that everything in life is pre-determined and that we are victims to our own fate then what truly is the purpose of struggling to make meaning of our lives if our fate has been sealed the day we are born? Yet, at the same time we are not always masters of our own destiny and cannot prevent certain things that happen to us. Thus, I believe that in the game of life we are BOTH PAWNS AND PLAYERS. The cards you are dealt are determined, but whether you choose to play and how you play is up to you.
  20. fringe007

    fringe007 Member

    Every thing is predetermined in the life your coming in the world, as well as your going.The whole incident that occur in the life are predetermined .Its only the prayer that can change our fate other wise every thing preplanned.