Describe PA Members

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by brown_bear, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    Describe PA Members...

    hmm..not sure if this is gonna work....but thought we'll give it a'll be fun to see whut members think of each otherr....


    so heres whut ya do....
    1. choose a member's name
    2. describe them with the 1st word/phrase ya think of...

    do as many as you want....

    shinobi - c-pop
    ang - k-pop
    knocster - tech

    (and hey mebe you'll get to know each other better..?..or find out things ya didnt know..haha)


    RULE #1
    Please dun quote other people's lists...coz it gets me a little confuZZled seeing the same lists...thx...^^

    RULE #2
    you can't comment on yourself


    • ~*Dawn*~ - Mrs Lau // Beauty Therapist // shit fucking starter // leng lui yut ming -blush2 // PA radio, Ekco's wife // Soap // Andy's wifey // level-headed // Wannabe Andy's wife :xd:
    • ~Tisken~ - origanime??? (origami + anime) // origami // photo man // paper art // Burberry Scarf... // photography
    • [mJ9] - Mauritus Island // upside down kiss with spideyman // spidergirl // never ever be able to be a good cook // makes me think of Michael Jackson
    • 小Yu咒 - polite // Old tvb series // HD TVB (thanks for that) // great uploader with old school tvb series, Kdrama and Jdrama.
    • 小小 - too many emoticons // mod from UK, onion head avy // 1st Chinese Character name mod // DL disguised in a chick's username // DragonLoaded, Swansea
    • 無得頂 (mo duk ding) - ass kisser
    • _Fahrenheit_ - SNSD tiffany lover XD // fellow kpop fan, just that hes #3
    • -steffi- - Ireland, BigBang, babyBang

    • AC0110 - neutral // to-dai // Hot Girls Poster // Buglar // photos of weird fascinating stuff
    • adrianc - misses angie and hike // perv
    • ah_wong201 - best buy // tattoo, motorbike guy // mr potato head! // Bikes
    • Airree - pink // airrry fairyy, birdie avy // pink pidgeon // always doing HW -lol // Corrupted by PA // curious chick, prom dresses
    • aiyaya - dude who gave most of my thanks in the english music section
    • AkkiOnimusha (Akki) - Stephy's secret lover // in need of practice // singer // stephy lover // ciara and jt fan // aint nutin here // national grid // Sidekickyyyy ^^ // Fish Slapper :p // Pro Mofo With Ken On SFIV
    • AnChuChu - hand bags , sushi
    • andrienne - went into fugitive
    • anti - london, ducks and crabs // Sei how gong
    • Aoes - Arsenal scum! // boobies // ham sup // Mysterious Tiger man // boobs // alexxxxx // buttho // Minteeeee/Alexseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee // FAIL // Soccer // Mister Aoes // Economics, Apple Pie Lover // Fellow Californian // nice dp
    • artofwar - PA's doctor
    • ashiteru4 - foood // first spam partner
    • Asian Guy From Asia - troll who got troll'd
    • AVANT - insightful // turtle avy // intelligent and down-to-earth

    • b-lee - :jb: // Loser // "I never check my profile wall" // "he's still here??" // random drop ins // Lurker // k-yeh // red man // cool // Gum yu leeeeee // Mr Choo choo // Validated my account // billy jai // pUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
    • babs - doggy avy, married // gas station // Sexy Babs <3 // Lost dog
    • BabyRain - fuck her // too good for PA // where'd she go?
    • bbes - run on responses // scones and muffins // use-to-be post spammer // ex spammer // uncle B lol
    • bbgirlsum - girl on teh crack // aggressive poster from Essex <3 // Ms foood // Short Chubby from eating McDonalds next door // fucking rampage poster // mini_bb // essex gal // mcD's neighbour. // Trash talk # 1!! // fail to change brake light. // Crazy ass poster, one blink and 1k post >.> // nice girl // eat "toilet" shit...:wiggle: // potato peeler much // X-Factor contestant stalker
    • benjwang - Dann's best bud haha
    • bigspringroll - all time favourite flamebaiter
    • blpaulina - New Amei!!!
    • boii - BB's fan & stalker // rival!! // still in bb's neighborhood
    • breakersrevenge - bro in gladiator
    • brown_bear - suck // #1 // PM WAR LOSER! ^^ // Ms shorts // cute bear :p // Fobby Girlie // girly // PA Event Organiser // cutie pie // carebears // dai-c jeh // sweetie // creative ideas // cutie // Jeh Jeh // Natsu's secret lover <3 (he wishes) // nice, childish? // cute avatar // single :naughty: // A miracle : ) // very nice and welcoming // i like the dancing pig lol // government agent keeping profiles on everyone! // sor mui :p // BBC

    • Candyshots - traveler
    • casshern - fashion, shoes // witty, yet pompous :tongue2:
    • chi_man - pro at chinese // creativity + sexiness?
    • ckthepilot - pilot, piccies with mum // G35 guy

    • Dan (dann) - danned // panick // shitty ipod dock/charger // fail // Friendshit // Danned123, Mr Speeding ticket -rotfl // has stupid coworker // Owned by Fallenangel and friends // FAP // zippo // Pa's freshman in highschool (lol sorry dude.truth) // fallen angel love // Leafs leafs and more leafs, man-crush on kadri // Programmer
    • DataBeast - m.i.a announcers voice // daytaaaa, guy in green tee // chinese rapper! // manly voice // sexy voice, chichi // Dead boy // Lost Boy // Stripper, If Ecko was gay he'll be the one
    • dickson - mr_evo's friend?
    • dim8sum - BB's wall-tagger // mandy chiang and theresa fu :bowdown:// BB's bf (not true) // goldfishes // swift // tong tong
    • don - radnom drop ins // boy in a suit piccie // stuck as purple // always on probation // so close // Donnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!! // Purple // Jay Chou
    • dreamstar - the original chinese music uploader
    • drsnoopy - requests

    • Ecko - trophy whore // gamer // PS3 whore // PS3 Fan boy who gets his ass kicked in SFIV by Kens using SAGAT // toy collecter // ps3 mutha fucka // chin guy on youtube with 5 PS3's.. // bloop, blarh // Uncle Eckooo!!, The one who started -batman // Plays way too much PS3 // chainsaw // 'whats the time mr wOLF :shifty: // tokidoki // Sagat Combo Whore
    • Edina - german girl
    • emawlee28 - BF problems // needs to snap back to reality // headache // Custy bitch battle :whip:
    • edwig - Old TVB series uploader
    • evil_mui - suck // MY sidekick // identity crisis ~ // Ms Chinglish // lover // fail // "ching the fuck lish" // my mui muii // 2-c-jeh // wa_er // adorableeeee accent // Psycho Mui // Siu Lam Lam // Mui // camera shy :p // friendshit // "BAO, CHEEN, DUP crazy!!" xD // hung mao c-mui (><) // My Beloved Sor Mui LP <3 // mui mui jer jer // JEH JEH ^_^
    • eviltofu - Tofu overdose // i like tofu :)

    • Fai - original troll // weird face on avy
    • fearless_fx - hot girls // baller // Has the best avatars // epic turban avy // narcissist // Hamsup // just look at ma mr. Schlong // Neckhair // Misa Campo // album whore // chesterfield, harry potter, lexus // hot girls win // lexus is250, boobies // ah sok // Canadian baller // nice avys (women) // misa lover // hairy half asian // fearless huh lol
    • Flaming (Flames) - Tour de France // fap // slow poster // Fappin' Gor // FAP!!!! // flame! // jazz kitty (LOL) // Bruce Lee // Bitch... // fapping monkey // fuck this fap shit // Pink can // daniel // :shifty:, loser // Flaming Chan // FAP meister // fap can starter // Flames // jerk, buttcrack, footcrack, earwax. // SF fan // girls beware and boys don't bend down!!! // cool, extra cred he's from au // PC nUB
    • Flower - she who does not like to be labelled // CAT III films Downloader
    • fly2dasky - uploader, studying PhD
    • fookjay07 - hayfever

    • G-UNIT - cars // Don't like your name
    • gawain187 - no engrish name (aka no name) // needs an English name ~
    • goo wak jai - soccer fan // finally a piccie // Small air ghost
    • GuLeng - CAT III Film Uploader

    • hadouken (ang) - lee yeon hee // fap mod // kpop lover // Gay Choo Choo // KPOP MAN // Phil's secret lover // shinobi // k-mooosic & highhhh // sexy time choo choo...-hump // koreans // :naughty: // Mrs Choo Choo :jb: // Admin guy // Lee Yeon Hee!!! <3 // Kpop mod // train rides =P // weekends with phil and shinobi
    • HeAvEnzgmaIl - "thank" me PLEASEEE // not providing MU codes // ''thank me'' con artist // total pimp and makes crap burgers at maccas haha
    • hiake – too fucking serious // hiking // Movie Geek and Ang Lee Fan
    • Hiyuu8888 - some kid lol
    • hkm91450 - shes cool
    • hongkongboy - xbox fanboy
    • honkiebonkie - PA banners // Funny username

    • lcy1988 - ying jai
    • instantnoodlesXP - piano <3
    • intraland - fellow tvb upper // Microwave girl!
    • itzd0pey - msn smilies

    • Jayotacon - Friendly // peng you // Silvia!!! // German sausages // random yelling of a fucking name in shout // "i am jayotacon" // Jayo // SILVY!!! ^^ // Silvii
    • jazlynnyee - news // architect // News <3 // music lover
    • Joker - only person in the history of PA who managed to get us to put our differences aside and flame him till he rage quit.

    • Katibear - hamster // cool // omgpop buddy
    • kawaiigirl - some girl
    • KaY_xD - cookie maker, future room mate :p
    • khaotic - xbox and calculus and movies // Orange name hog // school // thomas? // nammer, oj // fail // k,tt // has bad roommates // Confuses him with kodak
    • kdotc - Chigga! (lol keep it real G, up in TdotO) // WACK! // Viet Eminem Wannabe // Chigger // wanksta // Spelt his name with Galaxy World Tokens (Galaxy World: A big Arcade with 2 branches, 2nd biggest in Sydney other than Timezone LOL) // KFC // kodak & LOTS of photos // nammer wannabe // Uncle // Dude money in his signature // big oversized tshirts -sweat // quite friendly
    • Knoctur_nal - Lurker // Mr Fuck-All, Mr Aye // black // Mysterious // Agressive // Aye! // f**k everything // big softie... // fucking awesome // aye, fem // KnocsteR // Mr Rampage // the next terrorist // Gangster guy // Dont mess!!! :D // aye I am a pirate // Doomsday device // Senior Citizen -wheel , Knock Knock! // old geezer :laugh2: // Spits // Awesome Avy's , Settler
    • Kontradictions - epic profile // Vdubbed // Shit (n everything that comes with it) // Uses the same avi for a really long time... // water cooling and photography // vw golf // gaara with headphones // rice hat! // Audiophile // I stole a thank from him because I quoted his post -lol // HARDcore Flamer
    • KymBap - one month person?

    • lala_bel_tempo - nice fellow // cool guy from Sydney! headbang2 // 1st Aussie Guy i knew ^^ // still my #1 <3
    • lee-lee - working nows // TVB discussion partner and VHS tapes
    • LDYCHNX [KT] - suck // psychic powers needed // Karaoke + Tetris Queen // Party girl // Corrupted (by ppl on PA -whistle) // alcohol // Throws dildos over fences // drunk :p // alcoholic // kkkkatie // dj, scriptwriter // bad influence, fob girl poses, khalil fong // ktbaby, lover // LoveR <3 // jailbait // never sleeps // likes to sing // drunk ass bitch of a Muther fucker sleepin on the bench // Fail Apprentice // badass debate partner // GaGa Hater ¬¬
    • lonelygirl - 0 Post's WTF
    • lovinglyxx - balloons and the UK // purple neck scarf & kayne glasses // down to earth // balloon fetish // drawings // kate tsui hater just like me
    • LyuShiki - UK girl // cute!! // quiet but veryyyy cute :)

    • marcopolo368 - 溝女王 // 泡妞帝國!
    • master_g - n00b // Mario Kart Cheater // Jesusfreak // Religious (n tetris partner :p) // perfectionist and corrector // cooking beginner // Christianity // the church of later day saints // jebus // old man g // first buddy on PA! // C fu ^^ // Master P0rn -whistle // BAKA!! // chicken lover!! // Really nasty religious person guy. // Trash talk # 2!! // master_Chef :yes: // Gintama WHORE , 4chan denier , Google Addiction // awesome tekken skills , king of games // shitbox3fixme user
    • Maverick - darth gong, reporter padawan // KING OF NEWS (no one does better, TRUE FAX) // New thread whore // Newswhore // Hitler lover // cooking hater :p // NSFW // Dawn's tech support // mr fucking only in **** // d.vadar // keeping the forum fresh with threads // animated gif // news much? // Mavey, SWINEYYYY!! // OSX lover. Boo! // PA's News anchor // undercover dutch man // moving gif wars // news paperboy
    • metzo - hk dude with yellow honda jazz // Spent way too much money on really crappy headphones. // crab vs dog // pet crab
    • mikeyh - finland
    • mint_T - photoshop piccies // skilled in photoshop
    • MissCheekS - suck // Cheeky // Ms Awesome // bitch! // Sassy // i like pain and tats // "Hows your nose" // skin tagged // tough chicca <3 -blush2 // chill, books // hottie ;) // Scary lady // my prom date // nail art // Custy bitch battle :whip: // Fail Queen
    • moor_moth - Funny dude // Man Boobs // m.i.a // kiwi // lol man boobs (all angies fault)
    • mr_evolution - fap // Fellow Stephy Admirer // stephy // stephy fan // fap bros and stephy lover // fapping monkey // fems in the avy // aussie // pink // Mr. E ^^ // FAP follower // theresa // awesome + my avi maker :p // " :shifty: " // the name says it all lols // deadmau5 ftw
    • MunMun - ninja pokes >.<

    • Natsu - anime // YUI // Utada Hikaru Lover // Japan Fever // Work on riddles! // Bully, Jacky Jai // artist // tetris buddy ^^ // Trash talk # 3 // First Love song buddy // hing dai ah gor // my soon to be partner in cosplay crime // pimp
    • negiqboyz - has problems 24/7 //thug at heart // relationship problems // sounds like leg it boys lol.
    • NewAzNSensation [N] -"Varying" Avatars // N00000000b // HYPHY bastard // Chigger // Lesbofetish // White Name // feeling the avys // kung kung // crossdresser // Gong Gong // Dark Yellow // weird fetish // Ella lover // Ghost member // Good "Shit" Eatter :D // the name says it all XD // SEI HAM SUP LO // gum yu lo, buttho // Brutal/Demented Avy's , Kz2 Pro
    • Nirvania - girl or boy..?
    • njthaman - c-daiii // ella koon's boobies=.=, dramas // C dai gor gor ^^ // Cleverage // ticklish :shifty:, chopstick twirly trick :p // Karaoke-KrespyKreme-Hing dai sai lo // Hung Mao C Hing ^^
    • noasian - fellow tvb upper // TVB provider # 1 // tvb uploader // very helpful, updates all new TVB shows #1

    • p3ps1c0la - the truth is out there
    • Paradiso - silent mod, b-lee's gf..? // Forgotten mod // Ah Soh, Mrs b-lee
    • Peacemaker - likes dawny
    • peachey - own smilieys
    • person - underwear (pics section) // underwear and bras // micky mouse mp3 player (i think) // Hikki-fan! ^^ // Goi Cuon!
    • Phil - Super FOB (in a good sense) // Perv, avy man, stalker // creeper // Creepy social networking kid // hello i'm phil from melbourne. // from Melbourne // 溝女王 (he thinks he is) //puts foot to mouth too much // supposed gum yu lo, ham sup lo // fun chern, female // the Melbourne Menace // male cam whore // Man whore // attention whore // 溝男 fan // thinks hes older but is a little little boy // ingredient man :p // classic name, extra cred he's from au // the hulk
    • Phoenixgirl16 - pretty cool chick // Fish Slap Game // Princess Tetris // Ms dancing girl // dancer // Gamer girl // previous post aholic // cookies // pro dancer // Maymay // Miss May // south london gal // Nice // a devil that poisons cookies -^_^ // singing buddy (^^) // First Love Buddy // Bishi Bashi XD // Miss Big Spender (from what I remembered lol) // snobberrr lol. // <3 lovely may may, korean boy fangirl
    • PhY pHy - Photo Chick // 1st PA camwhore..? // S.H.E. // Original PA camwhore // ngor mmm mai fifi hai 55!!!
    • pinkapples - mousey avy, ping gor
    • Pretty Boy - BluRay Chinese Movies uploader

    • ralliart - Honda Accord addict
    • ralphrepo - Ralph-ie-pedia // politics // Undercover ham sup // Ralph-enpedia // Buzz kill // knows his shit, sources so don't mess! // history // One Smart SOB // wise guy, can be said confucious lols.
    • Resentless - Hello Kitty // kid // htc touch hd // minor // leng jai ;) // Uncle kit ^^ // Kit Kat // DJ + Kit Gor // Victim of evil_mui antics // PA Meetings, my fellow ella lova
    • reno - likes dawny and candyshots, shang-hi // traveling salesman // fong fong ^^ // Working overseas // bernice liu pictures
    • RockkxD - tvb worker // Bacon Love <3 // Leon // fierce uploader // rocky song // fellow tvb upper // Leona Lewis // Leonaaa, Lion King, BSB // Rockrolling // TVB provider # 2 // Tvb uploader // omgpop ' draw my thing' + lion ^_________^ // Disney Songs // my lover (wink wink kiss kiss)
    • runtohell121 - Discount Stalker // discount // Mascot for Fry's and Best Buy // oh my god sales, must buy. what you talking bout, thats only my 5th laptop gosh. // indecisive // Failed his driver licence test // cause hes got that 6th "sale" sense // gotta buy buy buy // copycat // ShouldStopBuyingUselessJunkAndSaveUpForSomethingNi ce // gadget man // Money waster // electronics // always bored ;) // EXTREMELY INDECISIVE // a meanie :p

    • Sephiroth - " 0.0" // Stalker Mofo
    • shadowchi - red text // chi chi // nice guy // paper over face pics
    • shadow Thi3f - b-ball //
    • shhh lips - knowledgeable
    • Shini_D - camwhore // picciess // My LP <3 // PA's latest camwhore // Cam whore!!! ~ // she is an awesome person ++ awesomeness, accept i have more lol
    • shinobi - good taste in music :D // Gay Choo Choo // stephy lover // hadouken // chin moosic // shipoopi // -cool // Anggggg's loveR // Don't turn your back on him -hump // Cpop mod // Evil Kin! // TVB aficionado // Pedophile , Child Molester , Dominatrix // craptors
    • shw - PA's biggest Fapkid and hotline dialer
    • shy - always offered sound advice
    • sir_denster - 1st PA radio dj (i think)
    • smallrinilady - coding // mosaic // Rants
    • sp-lor - old spammer
    • subaruuuuu - fellow Ella <3 fan // Ella
    • suijei - disappeared =[ // let people he haven't disappeared // unidentifiable // unknown gender
    • SUSIE-DANG-1988 - pa addict // TVB everything // UK FTW // bape // BBC // TVb themes // tvb theme song collector

    • Taxloss - peculiar // cameras? // Forgotten VIP // bugs and pirates, smarts
    • The_Jelly - school // penguin avy holding a torch // more hot girls! // Has a gross username (think about it)
    • THF20 - graphics // lo por beng, albertyy // albertttooooo
    • tiffystars - excema // exams
    • tonkachi - tech // UK sim cards
    • Tundra_RS - didi, curly hair // Sai lo // gum jai (press button", you know what i mean :shifty:)

    • ultim8camper - twilight fan // 1st 'u' on the list, gaga lover // glee head // irrelevant // 8ball, Heath Ledger fanboy // TVB fan, future room mate


    • Vinnie_boy - Part of the Hing Dai, Hing Mui gang // hing dai sai lo // Hing dai ^^ // Sweet like Chocolate

    • wind2000 - iphone // ham sup jai // montreal? // Windy // Almost forgot that goddamn mexican
    • wheezo - henry, origami money <3's
    • wolf - shy and useless
    • Woody - desperate

    • xdly - you like to pick fights with me -.-
    • xmichelly - i love kicking others balls // Ms Dog lover // chelly babe ;] // Foot at your balls // balls // cheese burgers..? // poke, stab // pure evil (see her avy for details) // Chelly // Pretends to be innocent // cute 'girl kicking boy' avy // sei ham sup sai lo nui // piggy back ride // stalky :shifty:

    • yippoisthebest - friendly
    • Yumie - gone into fugitive

    #1 brown_bear, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2011
  2. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    #2 brown_bear, Jun 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  3. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    flaming - Tour de France
    ang - lee yeon hee
    natsu - anime
    mr_evo - stephy
    fearless - hot girls
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    bb/mui mui- suck
    ecko- trophy whore
    angie- suck
    katie- suck
    master g- n00b
    flaming/ evo- fap
    rock- tvb worker
    other bb- girl on teh crack
    phoenix- pretty cool chick
    mav- darth gong/ reporter padawan
    ang- fap mod
    khaotic- xbox and calculus and movies
    mich- i love kicking others balls
  5. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    let's see..

    mui - lover
    angie - bitch!
    Nas - HYPHY bastard
    BBear - cute bear :p
    Rock (Leon) - Bacon Love <3
    Evo - stephy
    Akki - singer
    fear - narcissist
    michelle - chelly babe ;]
    Phil - creeper
    Marco - youngin
    flaming - jazz kitty (LOL)
    Alex - boobies
    phoenixgirl - dancer
    ang - kpop lover
    shinobi - good taste in music :D
    b-lee - :jb:
    knoc - black
    Ecko - gamer
    rth - discount
    kdotc - WACK!

    (to be continued..)
  6. ^ singer? really?!

    BB: #1
    Evil Mui: MY sidekick
    KT: psychic powers needed
    Evo: Fellow Stephy Admirer
    Fearless: baller
    Phil: Super FOB ( in a good sense)
    Flaming: slow poster
    Phoenixgirl: Fish Slap Game
    Knoc: Lurker
    RTH: Discount Stalker
    Kdotc: Chigga! (lol keep it real G, up in TdotO)
    Master_g: Mario Kart Cheater =P
    NAS: "Varying" Avatars
    Angie: Cheeky
  7. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    fierce idea for a thread bb.
    dont worry, i have a feeling this won't be removed.
  8. Maverick

    Maverick Lord Vader

    Knoc: Mr Fuck-All / Mr Aye :D
    Resentless: Hello Kitty
    Flammy: Fappin' Gor
    Dawn: Mrs Lau :shifty:
  9. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    evil_mui: identity crisis ~
    Brown_bear: PM WAR LOSER! ^^
    LDYCHNX: Karaoke + Tetris Queen
    Tisken: origanime??? (origami + anime)
    bbgirlsum: aggressive poster from Essex <3
    Flaming: FAP!!!!
    Aoes: Arsenal scum! :D
    AkkiOnimusha: Stephy's secret lover ~
    Rockxx: BACON LOVE!
    Maverick: KING OF NEWS (no one does better, TRUE FAX)
    Phoenixgirl: Princess Tetris >.<
    Fearless: Has the best avatars *drool* ~
  10. OI!! What 'idenity crisis'!?!

    1. mui - Ms Chinglish
    2. angie - Ms Awesome
    3. BBear - Ms shorts
    4. bbgril - Ms foood
    5. phoenixgirl - Ms dancing girl
    6. michelle - Ms Dog lover
    7. Nas - N00000000b
    8. Evo - stephy...
    9. Akki - in need of practice
    10. fear - epic turban avy
    11. Kontra - epic profile
    12. Phil - Perv/avy man/stalker
    13. flaming - flame!
    14. bigspringroll - all time favourite flamebaiter
    15. Joker - only person in the history of PA who managed to get us to put our differences aside and flame him till he rage quit.
  11. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    fine you don't just suck....u r homo hyphy drunk girl on bench dooing the stooppidd riding in the short bus going ohhhhhhhhh tell me when to go.-tongue2
  12. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol so im a narcissist, baller with lots of hot girls?

  13. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    Knoc - Mysterious
    KT - Party girl
    Angie - Sassy
    NAS - Chigger
    Bbear - Fobby Girlie
    Phil - Creepy social networking kid
    RTH - Mascot for Fry's and Best Buy
    Ecko - PS3 whore
    Kontra - Vdubbed
    Flaming - Bruce Lee
    Kdot - Viet Eminem Wannabe
    Master_g - Jesusfreak
    Mav - New thread whore

    Fearless - Awesome.
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Ok first thing that comes to mind when i think of following members

    BB= Girly
    KT= Corrupted (by ppl on PA -whistle)
    Kontra= Shit (n everything that comes with it)
    FX = Hamsup
    NAS= Lesbofetish
    Mothy= Funny dude
    MasterG= Religious (n tetris partner :p)
    Akki= Stephy
    Evo= Stephy
    Mav= Newswhore
    Jayo= Friendly
    Knoc= Agressive
    Blee= Loser
    Ang= Gay Choo Choo
    Shinobi= Gay Choo Choo
    Kdotc= Chigger
    Dim8sum= BB's wall-tagger
    person= underwear (pics section)
  15. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    LOL party girl and corrupted ayeeee!
  16. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^ hahahaha... which is good (Y) hahahaa
  17. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    okay to add...

    me/ kt- I said it's 3am in the mornin...
    angie- i like pain and tats

    fearless- just look at ma mr. Schlong
    rth- oh my god sales, must buy. what you talking bout, thats only my 5th laptop gosh.
    phil- hello i'm phil from melbourne.
    jayooo- peng you
    kdot- wanksta
    akki- ciara and jt fan
    dim8sum- mandy chiang and theresa fu
  18. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    dude!!! u cannot do that, thats not allowed, u already had ur say!!!

    btw i dun like pain but i like the tats just as much as u like lesbos
  19. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    wait theres rules in this thread. where'd it say that dudeeee.