Title: Contract Lover Released: 30 August 2007 Genre: Comedy/ Romance Director: Alfred Cheung Writer: Alfred Cheung Casts: Richie Ren Fan Bin Bing Kate Tsui Yuen Wah Synopsis: Fatt (Richie Jen) is from a family of martial arts experts, but he ends up being a businessman instead. He intends to introduce his girlfriend (Kate Tsui) to his father (Yuen Wah) but is skeptical if his father could accept her modern ways. Hence, Fatt resorts to hiring a temporary girlfriend to test out his father. Zao (Fan Bing Bing) has just graduated from university and urgently needs money. She takes up the job and signs a contract with Fatt to be his temporary lover. Fatt brings his hired lover home to meet his father, only to expect the unexpected. Trailer: [youtube]U7Pk_Hm0_Gk[/youtube] MV: [YOUTUBE]c97SogVKNP4[/YOUTUBE]
hehehe, just finished wathcing this movie!! i love richie ren's movie! last one i watched was with him and miriam yeung - 2 become 1. lol. soo good, typical ending yeah... hahahas. kate in here - was useless.. really no point in having her in here. but good movie!!!