The film adaptation of the popular TVB drama, Return of the Cuckoo <十月初五的月光>, will be released in the fall. Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼), Chilam Cheung (張智霖), Joe Chen (陳喬恩), and Nancy Sit (薛家燕) promoted for the movie earlier. Since turning her focus to film movies in the last year, Charmaine hopes to pursue further film opportunities after her contract with TVB ends. Recently, reports claimed that TVB extended Charmaine’s contract another four months, much to her dismay. However, Charmaine denied these claims and clarified that her contract is due to expire in February 2016. “Right now, it feels like I’m on vacation mode already. But it’s time to think about [whom to sign with]. What’s most important is to consider my career prospects when deciding whom to sign with. I hope to have more developments in the movie sector.” With many film production companies vying for her, Charmaine did not deny the possibility of signing with the Shaw Brothers. “We have discussed it. They have many upcoming productions.” Despite slowing down her television series output, Charmaine continues to enjoy an abundance of opportunities. Last year, she splurged $30 million HKD on a luxurious living unit in Sai Kung. “It’s for me, but my mother wants to live with my brother, his family, and I. It’s currently being renovated and I’m not sure when we can move in. The renovation fees are costly, so I have to work hard to earn more money!” Praying for Good Fortune in Romance Although Charmaine has been enjoying the successes of her career, her love life appears lackluster. Even ex-flame Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) has found new love with Miss Hong Kong beauty, Grace Chan (陳凱琳). Recently, Charmaine was spotted visiting temples and vacationing in Thailand with two males by her side. When asked about her current dating life, Charmaine denied that either of the two men was her boyfriend. “I just went to pray for safety. There were both men and women [on the trip].” Creds: Oncc
I heard she has quite a lot of wealth from all the money she saved. And very quiet about her personal life. It makes her really the type of person who knows how to value life but for her, it just sucks shes already over 40. Makes it much harder if shes trying to make a baby Sheh
The media needs to stop pressuring her "do you want a baby?" "you're not getting younger, can you still make babies"...that type of stuff
The pressure is there, time is not her friend. She's still have many years in her to have a baby if she's healthy. Money isn't a problem, she can have a baby anytime but it's look bad for her public image if she's in some scandalize situation .
He only wants me money!!! I dont think it matters too much if shes healthy or not. It's up to the body to close up and not allow you know the process to start.
She's not that old, she can still have babies. She has a few options. Freeze her eggs till the right time, get a surrogate to carry her baby. She probably get regular check ups. If something is wrong, she'll probably know.
She films like 1 series per year with TVB. I'm sure she does movies outside of TVB anyways, so give her a contract-per-series type of contract instead of signing her to a year(s).
Exactly, her TVB contract doesn't mean jack shit since she films 1-series-per year. As long as if she keeps that up, I don't care where she signs.
More of these veterans are going by each series instead of long term contracts these days. It gives them more room to do other things and not be bound by these contracts.
What's the point of contracts if they don't get paid 'cause they aren't in dramas..? Like the kelefe's are probably bounded by contracts, but also have side jobs. Granted, it's probably really shitty wages anyways if you're a kelefe. The TVB need veterans, not the other way around. Plenty of opportunities outside of TVB that will make you money, but may not necessarily give you the fame that you want.
I'm sure any guy would want to be with her, she's probably being cautious and what not. She's cool, to keep doing her own thing. Didn't realize she was 40 already though, looking good!