I sat through the first episode and boy .. it's SUCKED. I fell asleep halfway too. NO action at all. Not even funny too. Fala's Chinese is really bad .. I think she's like Toisan or something cuz the accent kills me through out the ep.
http://wiki.Dramasian.com/Fala_Chen I think her accent is indeed holding her back, needs work asap, why is she getting bigger roles, looks can only go so far. Don't like Christine, I find tvb seem to have problems with starting their series with interesting opening eps, going to wait and see how things go first.
I've always disliked the person playing the role of fala's dad in this, his acting is so irritating. Also, I dont get how this boring ass drama gets 30 eps while "You're Hired" only got 22
can't believe someone doesnt knw who Fala is xD she's from Sichuan, not Toisan, mandarin speaker to a canto, still have room for improvement. YEA it's so boring...小品type of thing
erm ... Get to fuck "hahaty" hes a legendary actor like 70 odd or so i think and hes been in tvb many years so stfu? and i like it .. like a heart warming series ... i think thats what kay said .. xD .. and every drama people say "fierst ep was sooo boring .. dunno if i should watch it any more" well most times in gradually becomes good so lets just wait ...
So far so boring and I do not see how far the plot can go until 30 ep. I just dont hope no more dragging in BF3 or the immigration drama . You're hired is only 22 episode and for me , it is too short .
i thought falas chinese is pretty good uusually u can hear a bit of accent but i dont hear it in this series. oh yea the guy who plays her dad ...wtf? he's more like her grandfather, weird pairing for Louise.
yeah .. as if boring storyline wasn't bad enough .. even the roles are so fucked up .. weird alright. i really wonder how it will drag on to ep 30 .. lol .. fala's chinese is bad if you follow her talking. i had to rewind a few time just get what she said .. that's how awful it was for ep 1. the long intro by hers was a pain to listen to.
First 2 episode its quite boring, but after awhile it just gets better. I don't like Fala's parents. Their acting bores me so very much.
i think im only watching this series is because of fala and johnson.. but the rest of the storyline sucks and i dont know.. doesnt catch anyone's attention
Am I the only who's enjoying the series so far I really like Johnson's acting, but unfortunalety, he's not one of the principal actor :( But i agree that Fala's dad is wayy to old to be her daddy ._.''