Are You Scared of Death?

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by fearless_fx, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Wow, I am surprised to see this thread started by Fearless_fx... Suddenly gone philosophical eh?

    To the thread's question: No, not afraid of dying. But I would hope I die without regrets.
    No pending wishes that I wanted to fulfill, no disappointing anyone...
  2. honkiebonkie

    honkiebonkie Well-Known Member

    me too.. but also your thinking about AFTER DEATH. what about the pain you suffer before you die? have you thought of that? and maybe its not cancer.. could be a carccrash. thats what most people are scared of, not after death... before it.
  3. Im not afraid of death, i believe when we die in the flesh we are more alive in the spirit, that's why i dont get all upset when people die, what upsets me is seeing everyone around me upset and missing talking to the person if we were close. i personally look forward to when my time here is up, whether it be in 1 day or 100 years. Some people do have a fear of death and imo its one of the worst fears one could have cus its unavoidable.
  4. Loreen66

    Loreen66 Well-Known Member

    Nope not afraid, but I don't want a painful death though XD. There's a lot of things I want to do before my life is up. Anyways unexpected things happens.
  5. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol what :p i am a very philosophical dude at heart
  6. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Why is it the worst fear one could have? Although there is nothing to be afraid of in death, because death is as natural as birth, but there is an ingrained racial fear of death, and that is necessary because if people knew how simple dying really is, there would be more suicides. <_<

    Fear of death is only natural, and necessary.

    Lol, can't help it. Just an impression of you :p
  7. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    Yep, pretty similar view on death as you. Everyone dies eventually, and for me it's just a question of how. I prefer to go in my sleep in my own bed though, instead of dying in a freak accident or dying when the earth gets hit by a huge disaster. I want some sort of control on how I would die -in my own bed is sort in control- and I don't want to become headlines in the papers because I died in a freak accident and I don't wanna die when the earth collides with a huge asteroid and I don't know what's happening with the world. >>>sort of I want to get a grip of life, even in my last moments.

    As an Atheist I don't question our purpose on earth; we are on earth to make the best out of our lives, to enjoy it as much as possible. Don't want to sound like a Hedonist but suppose you live in a part of the world where you don't have to worry about hunger and war, what prevents you enjoying your life to the fullest? If you help other people you can make them happy and it gives you a satisfied feeling.

    Only other social circumstances in a society keeps us in place and we can't satisfy each individu or each group. If everyone strives for it's own hapiness it is bound to collide with each other, which is already happening if you look at the wars now.

    Anyway, I know I have probably typed an incoherent story but I just wanted to say I don't think we need a special purpose or goal in life or afterlife as long you do your best in this life.

    We live in the now and that's why we have to to school if we get the chance to and get a job, do our duties etcetc.. to keep the society rollin' as you're part of it. Once your life is over, it's only sad for your family and friends who have to cope with the lost and have to undergo the trouble for finishing things for you if you haven't finished it yourself. (I mean like paperwork, closing your bankaccounts, subscriptions etc.)
  8. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    i am only scare if i get cavity=/
  9. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    There have been times when I've thought about this. I've actually come to the conclusion that I am not scared of death. This is probably because after death comes Heaven. I'm totally dedicated to being a Christian. After being "saved" and accepting God, I always believe that I will be going to Heaven after I die, so I've never been afraid of what would happen in the "afterlife" or things like that. The thing I'm actually afraid of, is HOW I die. If it's painful, then yeah, I'll be scared.
  10. dont worry about it, it will all be worth it in the end :)
  11. seiyaz

    seiyaz Active Member

    I'm not scared of death but as my sister put it out when she knew she was going to die (she had terminal cancer)...'it's that exact moment when you die that's a bit scary, how will it feel, what happen at that moment!'
  12. sauvage

    sauvage Member

    No, not afraid of dying. I worked with dying terminally ill patients for 17 years and I'm convinced there's another life after we die.
  13. subaru3169

    subaru3169 Well-Known Member

    many different philosophers and religions would differ..

    but to your original question, i am not afraid
  14. joemickey

    joemickey Well-Known Member

    Everybody gonna die some way or another, sooner or later, so no need to be afraid.
    The only concern is make worth of so at the end can sing "My Way".
    Quit philosophical I think.
  15. p3ps1c0la

    p3ps1c0la Well-Known Member

    Death is scared of ME!

    Oh and here's an interesting fact about the moment before dying. A part of the human brain releases a large amount of this chemical called DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) and this chemical which is also the strongest psychedelic drug known to man causes it's experiencer to hillucinate heavily and this may explain why people see what they see when they're near death.

    Also, when you sleep, the human brain also releases this chemical and is basically what triggers dreams.

    here's more info:
  16. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    if anyone watches jerry springer they say the number 1 thing most ppl are scared of is talking in front of a crowd then comes death.........
  17. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    I know a member on here who've experienced this but he claims it's Heaven and god let him go back to his mom on earth...
  18. apollon

    apollon Well-Known Member


    i heard about this before. something about -- ppl was more willing to be the person in the coffin than the person giving the eulogy. or something like that. lol. odd.

    anyways, like most of the ppl that has posted. death, itself does not scare me; however it is the method of dying that causes me to be uneasy. -shrug but most likely that fear will probably be resolved until that day the inevitablity comes. <it's like the silence before the battle.>

    Why must there be a purpose in life? well, everything we do on earth has a purpose to the very least. why do we wake up in the morning? why do we brush our teeths? why do we go to school? why do we go to work? why do we have relationships? why do we sleep? There is a purpose to everything we do. so it is natural to assume that there must be an ultimate purpose to our "purposeful lives".

    For some ppl (like myself) it is difficult to imagine and comprehend the purpose of us living is no purpose at all. (which is a purpose of itself. paradoxical, eh? lol.) but, if life has no purpose then why live like "good" people? we can steal when we think it is right to steal, we can murder when it is right to murder, we can lie when it is right to lie. i assume there is nothing for us to uphold, then to simply live according to some man/woman-made laws (which ironically is based on a belief of answering to an ultimete purpose) and eventually die.

    anyways, no bashing just my two cents. it is difficult for me to imagine a life without an ultimate purpose. if there is no God, who are we to answer to when we commit all the crimes in the world. just the man/woman-made governments and authorities. but without an ultimate purpose, isn't death just a sweet relief to the criminals and evils of this world?
  19. js4

    js4 Member

    No, because you could be walking one day, get hit on the head by a falling marble, and then end up dying. Anything could happen. Fearing it won't help. Everyone wil end up dying, just a matter of when, where, and how.
  20. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    im with kdtoc im kinder scared about death cos u dont know wa happe when u die

    suffer in hell in pain

    or move on n become a new born baby

    anything can happen