Title: Anna in Kungfu-Land Released: 2003 Director: Raymond Yip Wai-Man Writer: Chan Hing-Kai, Lau Ho-Leung, Ho Man-Leung Action: Stephen Tung Wai Casts: Miriam Yeung Ekin Cheng Wong Yau-Nam Denise Ho Lau Yi-Tat Cheung Tat-Ming Lee Lik-Chee Cha Yuen-Yee Maggie Lau Mandy Chiang Lau Kar-Wing Lee Kwan-Lung Lau Chun-Tung Poon Lung-Kwan Michael Clements Synopsis: The martial arts comedy Anna in Kung Fu Land centers on a woman who dreams of becoming a movie star. Her father is the head monk of a Shaolin temple. When the temple is invited to be part of a martial-arts tournament, he sends his daughter. She believes this might give her the opportunity to get her big break, but when that doesn't happen she becomes focused on beating the opposition in the tournament. More Info: http://www.lovehkfilm.com/reviews/anna_kungfu_land.htm Screenshots: http://hkmdb.com/db/movies/images.mhtml?id=10558&display_set=eng MV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivZZ7hXsz9s