Ang Lee's "Lust, Caution" Dis-Qualified for 2008 Oscar Awards

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. [​IMG]
    Saturday October 20, 2007 Hong Kong

    Winning last year's Best Director Award with "Brokeback Mountain," Ang Lee also won this year's Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival for "Lust, Caution" 《色,戒》.

    Ang Lee entered "Lust, Caution" in the Best Foreign Film category in 2008's Oscar Awards. However, the USA Motion Picture Academy dis-qualified the film from competing in the awards.

    Since there were not enough Taiwanese people working in "Lust, Caution," the film was dis-qualified from representing Taiwain in the Best Foreign Film category. The main actors, production and editing crew were not Taiwanese.

    Since receiving the dis-qualification notice, Ang Lee has tried to persuade the USA Motion Picture Academy to change their minds, without any success.

    Director, Johnnie To's "Exiled"《放.逐》may have a chance in representing Hong Kong in the Best Foreign Film category. Regarding "Lust, Caution's" dis-qualification, Johnnie To said, "That was due to a technical reason. 'Lust, Caution' received its critical accolades at the Venice Film Festival. I have always admired Ang Lee; it is a disappointment that his film can not compete this year!"

    "If 'Exiled' makes the finals selection, I will attend the Oscar Awards ceremony. The main intent is the opportunity to meet others in the international film industry. Since Ang Lee could not make it this year, let me substitute him!"

    credits: Dramasian.
  2. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    aww thats not cool
  3. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    Johnnie To: "let me substitute him" lol funny... but exiled was a good film no doubt

    Well if ang lee didn't care about the nc-17 rating affecting it, he doesn't need an oscar to prove it's a good film, many amazing classics didn't win an oscar, did that make them less good? nope.
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    It's not very surprising (besides the "technical excuse") that Ang Lee got disqualified. It would suck majorly for the Hollywood people if Ang Lee manages to receive more awards since the popularity of Oscar is declining as the festivals around the world are picking up their prestige, a Palme d'or from Cannes or a Golden Lion from Venice or even a Silver Bear from Berlin are as credible and bankable as an Oscar nomination.

    I don't care much for the Oscar anyways, it's their loss, really. *SHRUGS* It's not like Ang Lee need another Oscar to prove his merit or to decorate his mantle.
  5. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    -angry And I was rooting for this movie to win to! Damn the academy and their technicalities.
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^you saw the movie yet? you can't be sure that your opinion of it would be positive hehe, on the other hand exiled was a good movie hehe...kinda want a hong kong movie to finally win hehe...

    I thought someone here would hold the board members for the oscars at gun point-whistle
  7. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    There are tons of movies I want to see. I don't think I'll be able to watch this before the oscars.

    And I support it because of Ang Lee's undeniable talent :)
  8. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Naw, I haven't bothered ever since Cate Blanchette in Elizabeth lost to Gywenth Paltrow in Shakespeare in Love... I mean, Paltrow can act?! It's just a popularity contest for the most part (and I am certain that Ang Lee WOULD win if Lust Caution was eligible), and I took comfort in that thought -tongue2
  9. eledoremassis02

    eledoremassis02 Well-Known Member

    This is where I am confused. It may be a foreign film but did not Memoirs of a Geisha get 3 Oscars? Last time there were like 3 Japanese in Minor rolls in this film.
  10. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    It was never entered into the "Best Foreign Film Category."

    Lust, Caution can still pick up nominations from other categories.
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I don't even think so... Since "Lust, Caution; Taiwan" doesn't ring with the Oscars. It's kind of like technical disqualification = no nomination. I kind of think it would have made the Oscar people happy if Lust, Caution was China (which will make everyone from Taiwan, including Ang Lee, very upset). Lust, Caution wouldn't be disqualified if it was entered as a Chinese (China) film instead of a Taiwanese film.

    Stupid bureaucracy.

    Memoirs of a Geisha was nominated as a US film, since it was directed by Rob Marshall and supported by a lot of technical production/post-production crew from US. Only the cast, methink, are predominantly Asians.
  12. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    @eledoremassis02 yup memoirs of a geisha was definitely a U.S. film, look at the language and using the chinese actors to play japanese and stuff...
  13. eledoremassis02

    eledoremassis02 Well-Known Member

    I know it is a U.S movie, but we do it all the time, look how many Japanese, play chinese vice versa in U.S films. Just because he Ang Lee did not use Taiwanese ist it still not a foreign film? I don't understand why it wasnt chosen. He is Taiwanese, the film is Taiwanese I think thats all that matters.
  14. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    It can be argued that since most of the casts are Chinese, it should be a Chinese film <_< There's no point in arguing on that (since it had already caused a controversy big enough in Venice a month or so back)

    Kind of reminds me of how US-financed productions in Canada get tax credits... They need have at least a certain percentage of staff/crew to be Canadian in order to be eligible for Canadian tax credits.

    Same principle applies to the Academy Awards... But I guess Ang Lee just proved a point, he'd rather his art to be true Taiwanese than to be untruthfully Chinese (since I would believe Lust Caution can pass as a Chinese film)
  15. burnburn

    burnburn Well-Known Member

    Bad luck for Mr Lee. Though, it seems silly that the Academy had to result in counting the crew members to validate whether the film can represent Taiwan...

    On the other hand, hopefully Mr To can get into the competition, he's a great crime and thriller director. -clapclap
  16. philostrate

    philostrate Well-Known Member

    who cares about the crew? Is that really necessary for all actors to be Taiwanese in order to win the award? That's absurd...creating stupid rules as such.
  17. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I think it's all in fairness, just imagine, a "foreign" director getting funds from US productions, hiring all US cast and crew, and the film is considered foreign? It wouldn't be fair to the other contestants in the category since there can be conflict of interest in the panel ("ohhh, this film boosted local employment, must vote/nominate")
  18. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    Wow what a waste that movie stand a better chance than the exiled.