2010 PA-UK Summer Get TogetheR ~

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by evil_mui, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ^ tehe .... sexual innuendo that ^_^ xD

    any way .. yeaahh i want piccys !!! i wanna see what went down xD
  2. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    having 9 people is better than having no meet ups at all :D
  3. ...Better than the US one :kekekegay:
  4. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    True say Mui kekekekekeke xD
  5. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Sausagefest amirite?
  6. and ends another year of PA meeting at UK..
  7. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    speculations. no updates. no confirmation. beating around the bushes or did something happen here.
  8. or did somethin' too scandalous can't be shown on tv..
  9. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    ^ agree .. something's up .. not a word then after .. lol
  10. njthaman

    njthaman Property of C Mui

    wrong. ration was 4:5 (f:m) so fairly even actually...

    here's my overview/review...

    attending members were:

    phoenixgirl16 + chinese school gee mui

    NB: this was a while ago now so times are *very* approximate xD

    Day started when i turned up early...
    • 12:30pm: njthaman arrives at leung ting but obviously no-one is there so goes to watch the world cup game on at the time
    • 1pm-ish: phoenixgirl16 + friend arrive
    • not long after: w10_chi24, Vinnie_Boy and Natsu arrive and also Darif somehow finds us having lost their phone and not knowing any of us xD
    • 2pm-ish: off we go to yum cha where we peer pressured Vinne_Boy into paying for us all - fanQ Vinnie ^^
    • 3pm-ish: after that we decided to go bowling and headed off to the trocadero - complete with UV-lit lanes and the portugal v ivory coast world cup game showing ^^ - and some gambling going on between members ¬.¬ with Vinnie_Boy winning the bet...
    • it was at this point that Lai_Yanyan and evil_mui join us having finished work...
    • congrats go to w10_chi24 for being the winner... in both games!
    • 5pm-ish: bowling over - with some extra girly company phoenixgirl16 goes off to buy a new top... having eaten a bit messily at yum cha xD - i don't think she thinks we noticed LOL...
    • meanwhile the rest of us go to kill some time by playing on some arcade games before going off to a lil place called Las Vegas... where the girls came to join us
    • there we played some pool downstairs, some of us went and tried their luck in the casino upstairs, and also some attempts at winning some Hello Kitty plushes from the grabber machine (?)
    • phoenixgirl16 came close but didn't get one... then Darif steps in... and gets 3!!! how the hell we have no idea ><"
    • 6:30ish: peeps are getting peckish... time for a snack! njthaman & evil_mui go off to chaang toi gurk whilst the others head to Candy Café for some chinesey sweet snacks and drinks...
    • 7:30ish: we start heading towards the karaoke place... stopping to watch the brazil v n.korea game of course!
    • 8pm: karaoke time! plus dinner simultaneously... all the standard karaoke songs - ofc including both Leo Ku medleys, njthaman & Vinnie_Boy's AMAZING rendition of I Want It That Way!
    • we had a £250 tab to fill so after dinner what can we order? alcohol? yes please! [NB: PA-UK promote responsible drinking] obviously rock, paper, scissors; 15-20; dice plus new game borrowed from super trio - ngor gee ging xD
    • 12am: time's up... and we all head off to our respective homes...
    THE END.
  11. ^ ur sucha loseR =p
  12. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    ^ ahahah i find that cute ... awww haha ... but wheres the piccys??
  13. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Sounds so boring .. gee .. no excitement at all .. las vegas .. ya'll should come on over to the real thing in the states. lol
  14. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    LOL i wanna play ngor gee ging. But underage to drink alchohol
  15. hct1802

    hct1802 Well-Known Member

    PA-UK on tour? Hmm.... (ok let's not get into any ideas)

    Like I said guys, I would have been interested in going but seeing that I'm miles away from London and it was on the same day as my exam, I couldn't really make it :(. By the sounds of it, seemed like it went alright? :D