14 Year Old Chinese Boy Murders Best Friend.

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by Hairbear, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. Hairbear

    Hairbear Well-Known Member

    Not too sure if this article was legitimate. I overheard my parents talking about it in the car and how they read it in the newspaper. Anyways...

    A chinese boy, 14 years old, in China sees his best friend holding 20 dollars (Not sure if this is CDN) and in order to get that 20 dollars, he strangles his friend, grabs a nearby sharp object and proceeds in stabbing him.

    On another note. There was an 11 year old boy, also in China, who poured boiling water on his mother just because she wouldn't lend him money.

    If this is what money does to people. I'd rather live in a world without money.
  2. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol a world without currency or trade is gonna be damn madness how the fuck do you split the resources then you crazy! But there are many crazier stories out there so you know. People has probably killed for even less its an everyday thing we just don't know. If you are so afraid of this world just live out in the wild but then you would still have to kill to survive, thats life!
  3. Hairbear

    Hairbear Well-Known Member

    do what the pioneers and native americans did. trade necessities. (y)
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    a trade is a trade yes...would they kill for a trade if they didn't have something to trade with and they needed it? definitely... a perfect world is not possible!
  5. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    No one will work if there is no money
  6. homoloto

    homoloto Well-Known Member

    i wonder how those kids got educated by their parents...
  7. spider-man

    spider-man Well-Known Member

    Maybe because they're not that wealthy and that's how kids learn to be greedy and steal.
  8. budget assassins for hire..
  9. Hairbear

    Hairbear Well-Known Member

    people wont work for money. they'll work for necessities.
  10. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    in order to get those necessities they need money (time is also known as money).
    One say that if you don't like to work then you got to work till you get enough money so that you don't need to work any more.
  11. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    money is basically a necessity now that you need it to live in modern society so its basically the same thing except money regulates trade in a way and you cant eat it! Your proposal is no different then the way we live now lol. You will still have to work for stuff which is exactly what we are doing now lol but we get that payoff in the form of money. Also your way doesn't work anymore as that would totally kill the relevance of education and job hierarchy, so if these people were to do equal amount of work for these "necessities" they will get the same payoff? Whats the point of trying to get a better life with education etc then? It won't work it modern society! You too naive hairbear!