TVB 38th Anniversary Show Awards Winner List

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Nov 20, 2005.

  1. Not all the results are out yet, I will update them as they become avaliable.

    最佳男主角: 郭晉安 (阿旺新傳)
    Best Actor: Roger Kwok (Life Made Simple
    最佳女主角: 汪明荃 (我的野蠻奶奶)
    Best Actress: Liza Wang (War of In-Laws)

    飛躍進步男藝員: 黃宗澤 (我的野蠻奶奶)
    Most Improved Actor: Bosco Wong (War of In-Laws)
    飛躍進步女藝員: 周麗淇 (透才遇著兵)
    Most Improved Actress: Niki Chow (The Gentle Crackdown)

    最佳男配角: 夏雨 (甜酸爺爺)
    Best Male Supporting Role: Ha Yu (My Family)
    最佳女配角: 湯盈盈 (阿旺新傳)
    Best Female Supporting Role: Angela Tong (Life Made Simple)

    最佳節目主持: 鄭裕玲 (百法百眾)
    Best Host: Dodo Cheng (Justice for All)
    最佳劇集: 我的野蠻奶奶
    Best Series: War of In-Laws
    最佳綜藝資訊節目: 殘酷一叮
    Best Variety Show: Minutes to Fame

    最佳宣傳片: 我的野蠻奶奶 - 噴火篇
    Best Promotional Clip: War of In-Laws - Spitting Fire Clip
    最具創意節目: 殘酷一叮
    Most Creative Show: Minutes to Fame
    最佳外購劇集: 大長今
    Best Foreign Series: Jewel In The Palace

    最具欣賞價值大獎: 1405鄭和下西洋
    Most Valued Award: 1405 Cheng Nam South to Sea
    萬千光輝演藝大獎: 夏萍
    Best Acting Award: Ha Ping
  2. <3 war of inlaws... my fav series of the year! ^^
  3. Fobstar

    Fobstar Guest

    Winners at the TVB Anniversary Show Awards. Can we say 'boring'? *yawn*

    Niki won most improved? blah...don't think so. Only 2 series.
    Congrats to Angela. heheh Deserved the award.

    Best Actor: Roger Kwok (Life Made Simple
    Best Actress: Liza Wang (War of In-Laws)
    Most Improved Actor: Bosco Wong (War of In-Laws)
    Most Improved Actress: Niki Chow (The Gentle Crackdown)
    Best Male Supporting Role: Ha Yu (My Family)
    Best Female Supporting Role: Angela Tong (Life Made Simple)
    Best Host: Dodo Cheng (Justice for All)
    Best Series: War of In-Laws
    Best Variety Show: Minutes to Fame
    Best Promotional Clip: War of In-Laws - Spitting Fire Clip
    Most Creative Show: Minutes to Fame
    Best Foreign Series: Jewel In The Palace
  4. daydreamer

    daydreamer Well-Known Member

    some of these awards make me laugh
    most creative show... lol no way
  5. Giniro

    Giniro Well-Known Member

    Agree how about best copy cat show sound better. Some of the winner really not that great.
  6. naruto1314

    naruto1314 Well-Known Member

    most the of the show are good
    Best Actor: Roger Kwok (Life Made Simple
    Most Improved Actor: Bosco Wong (War of In-Laws)
    Most Improved Actress: Niki Chow (The Gentle Crackdow
    those are good series